Last Week’s Jams (7.29 – 8.2)

Pretty sure our coverage crushed it this last week; I think there was one day where we covered ten songs in a single day! But, I’m about to end my summer break, so don’t expect that too much more. Alas, we had album shout outs for Blood, Male Gays, Aaberg, True Optimist and Teenage Tom Petties. Some of my favorite acts returned to the fold, like the Smashing Times and Pop FilterYoung Scum had a new jam, but it’s not streaming yet. Big hits from Chimers, The Gabys and the Softies kept us busy…and always nice to have a Chime School tune too! Enjoy the streams of last week’s jams!

Friday Album Streams: Blood, Teenage Tom Petties + More

You know we’re nearing the fall when records start to come fast and furious, and we hit up another Friday with tons of really great releases for folks to pick out…and as usual, most of these have been discussed in detail on this here site. So, no need to go into too much detail, but we’re pretty sure that we’ve got albums for all your moods…so just dive right in, and be sure to grab the ones you love to support the bands/labels.

BloodLoving You Backwards (Ramp Local)

Teenage Tom PettiesTeenage Tom Petties (SafeSuburbanHome/Repeating Cloud)

The Male GaysBe Kind (Chapter Music)

True OptimistMental Health (Self Aware Records)

AabergWishing Well (Forged Artifacts)

Last Week’s Jams (6.10 – 6.14)

Consider yourselves lucky! Three of the song’s I wrote about didn’t make DSPs yet, otherwise, you’d have a two hour playlist of joy to listen through today. Luckily, Australia was keeping it real, with new stuff from The Male Gays, Pop Filter, Kosmetika and Alluvial Nuggets all gracing the site. There was some Austin show coverage too, namely Mikky & the Doom and Adrianne Lenker, so jams from those acts get included. On the personal tip, I was really pulling for the Manners Manners and Nightshift to be big hits out there in the scene, with this new Parallel tune right behind it! There’s also some expansive jams too from the likes of Immersion and Nap Eyes, if you need a tune over 5 minutes for your life. Enjoy.

The Male Gays Release Be Kind Single

Today the world gets to meet the Male Gays, though in all likelihood, you’ve heard from the two members before. The new cross-continental project is the work of Guy Blackman (owner of Chapter Music) and Bart McDonagh (of Amour Foo/Domino Records). Their very first single is this enchanting number below, almost like a lounge version of Magnetic Fields; there are deep tones on the vocal end, and it feels as if it’s been crafted on your older sisters keyboard; I loved the sort of heart-on-the sleeve sincerity too. The messaging on this go round is all about kindness, which seems like a simple concept, though it’s one that’s becoming increasingly less common. On their three song EP, they’ll offer up other thematic references “rejecting queer cynicism, the need to rid the world of white boys wielding guitars (which includes themselves, naturally) and the difference between being outpunk and being an actual punk.” The single will drop on August 2nd via both Chapter and Amour Foo.

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