Last Week’s Jams (7.29 – 8.2)

Pretty sure our coverage crushed it this last week; I think there was one day where we covered ten songs in a single day! But, I’m about to end my summer break, so don’t expect that too much more. Alas, we had album shout outs for Blood, Male Gays, Aaberg, True Optimist and Teenage Tom Petties. Some of my favorite acts returned to the fold, like the Smashing Times and Pop FilterYoung Scum had a new jam, but it’s not streaming yet. Big hits from Chimers, The Gabys and the Softies kept us busy…and always nice to have a Chime School tune too! Enjoy the streams of last week’s jams!

The Martial Arts Drop Friends for Fools

Glaswegian pop rock act The Martial Arts are going to be dropping a new record for you next week, so why not take the chance to indulge your pop roots a bit here by listening to their latest single. It opens with this sort of pub rock chug to it, with a nice little bit of cowbell thrown in for fun, but the big hooks don’t swing into the song until you hit the 35 second mark. This is where they turn you into a pop fanatic, dropping sharp percussive beats and angular strums that open up into power pop goodness. Paul Kelly’s voice just rips in this performance, punctuating his delivery in the right spots, then pulling back the sheets to reveal the melodic underbelly that runs throughout. In There Like Swimwear will be out on August 9th via WIAIWYA.

Last Week’s Jams (5.27 – 5.31)

A strange week we had last week; I blame the Memorial Day holiday for that, as it started us all off a bit slow. For whatever reason, we didn’t get a lot of fresh tunes, so I, of course, was out there digging deep to unearth some stuff you’re probably not going to find in a ton of other spots, like the new T.G. Shand or Holding Hour singles. It was good to get another single from the next the Martial Arts LP, plus our old friend Stephen popped up with his new project Shortcuts. And, as I’ve been trying to do more, there were some great records like the new Neutrals and Oh Boland LPs I wanted to nod towards too. It’s all in the playlist below.

The Martial Arts Share Not Coming Down

There’s a new album coming soon from The Martial Arts, and if we’re going in on this new single, it sounds like we’re going to be spinning around to some magnificent pop sweetness. The band claim this is “the indie pop/power pop answer song to Irene Cara’s ‘Flashdance (What a Feeling)’, and that makes sense as there’s a certain pop stomp that cruises through the song’s front half; it’s as upbeat and fist-pumping as you’re going to get form a pop rock act. They double down after the 2 minute mark, driving the riffs and infectious nature right through the speakers with such volume that your body is naturally inclined to sing-along, even if you haven’t memorized the lyrics just yet. You’re allowed to have fun and still be cool, I promise. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more about the new record, slated for an August release from WIAIWYA.

Last Week’s Jams, Today (7.25 – 7.29)

I don’t know if you guys noticed, but RayRay got a new gig, so he’s had tons more time to get some sweet jams up! It’s great, as we definitely have some crossover, but also our own styles, so our playlists are probably much more diverse! I mean, just last week he premiered new Mother Sun and Peter Matthew Bauer, while I was rocking the heck out of Almond Joy and The Smashing Times. I mean, there’s no winner, but you! We also were able to get some old friends on the pages with Why Bonnie and Cam Bina! So, happy Monday to us all!

Check Out The Martial Arts

Ever stumble into something and totally get dumbstruck? Well, when I turned on this track from the Martial Arts, I’ll admit, I was a bit gobsmacked (not Godsmacked like RayRay’s favorite band). At times, it channels the sort of high school pop of the 50s; it’s playful and filled with these charms that seem to come from the jukebox era. That said, the sound has this natural earnestness, almost like it’s a DIY doing their best to craft stadium-ready rockers. It sounds like everything I’ve ever heard, and yet nothing sounds at all like what the band is doing. The band will be re-releasing the Getting Stranger by the Month EP on August 12th via WIAIWYA.

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