The Men Return with New York City

Man, this was the jam I didn’t really know I needed, but I’m so grateful there’s a rocking new tune from The Men. They’ve just announced New York City, their ninth album, and with that, seems only fitting to drop a pummeling number to remind us all what they bring when they’re at their best. With “Hard Livin,” the band are definitely channeling the musical history of their town, feeling like a revamped version of the New York Dolls, just driving out furious punk rock vibes, with just a little bit of snotiness added in. Fuzz Club will release New York City on February 3rd.

Never Hurts to Jam the Men

We haven’t heard from the Men since 2016, but news broke today of a new album headed our way in 2018. The immediate thing you’ll notice is how the band sounds absolutely nothing like the group that gave us Leave Home or Open Your Heart, and honestly, that’s for the best; it’s great to hear a sound you love, but even better for art when you push yourself into something entirely new. There’s still that element of darkness in the pulsing synth lines that serves the spirit of the band to listeners, yet artistic elements elevate the tune such as the sax squawking. The group’s new LP, Drift, drops on March 2nd via Sacred Bones Records.

Dream Police Bring on Hypnotized

dreamtheaterIt would make sense that the founding members of the Men are going to gain interest with their new project, Dream Police.  After all, the Men have had a pretty solid run, though there founders are stepping away a bit from the sound we’ve seen them offer up over the last few years.  The guitar work isn’t too far off, though there’s more of an 80s snarl to the vocals.  That makes sense though, as DP have a bit of darkened nostalgia swirling around their new project.  I’m not in love just yet, but we’ll see what happens when Hypnotized hits the streets on November 14th via Sacred Bones.

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We Like The Men

The MenYeah we like The Men so let’s just move on here.  This new track was floating around the interwebs quite a bit yesterday, and we haven’t had the time to get to it until now.  We apologize for our tardiness, but I think you’d agree that the track is just too good to not post.  Of course it rocks, it rolls, and it leaves us desperate to hear more from the new album.

Pick up new album, Tomorrow’s Hits, on March 4th via Sacred Bones.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

FFF8 in Pictures – Sunday Edition

King KhanSlow rolling is now done, though I think we may put up a PYAITK version of FFF8 coverage. FFF9 info is pending and you can recommend artists to the festival honchos.

But for now, you get to peep a ton of bad ass festival pics from a couple Sundays back. This edition features Cayucas, The Men, XXYYXX, Dennis McCoy, PLG, Matt Hoffman, Washed Out, Dismemberment Plan, Deltron 3030, MGMT, Bonobo, Slayer and King Khan with just enough crowd shots that you could be a star!

Click past the break people…

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Chaos In Tejas Pick: The Men @ Red 7 (5/31)

The Men

Date 5/31/13
Location Red 7
Doors 6pm
Tickets $12 @ Frontgate

The Chaos continues this evening with what might be my most anticipated show of the festival.  I am of course speaking of The Men playing over at Red 7 this evening.  Having seen the band several times in the live setting, I can attest to the fact that they will bring the pain and make your ear drums bleed (in a good way).  Let’s not forget that the undercard is also loaded with Destruction Unit, Lust For Youth, Pharmakon, Marshstepper, and Bodies of Light all in tow to offer up support.


Download: The Men – Open Your Heart [MP3]



Top Songs of 2012: 1-100

Our year end lists are wrapping up at this point, but we wouldn’t be a legitimate music site without a list of the top songs from 2012.  Personally, I feel like this list is a thousand times more difficult to compose than an albums list because we’re dealing with close to 400-500 songs in the running.  It’s been a long process trying to narrow that iTunes playlist down to 100, and I know some incredible tunes from this year are missing, but we hope you enjoy.  Ladies and gentlemen, follow the jump for the ATH version of top 2012 songs.

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Top Albums of 2012: 50-1

Here it is.  I know you’ll hate it; I know you’ll disagree, but that’s not the point in making an arbitrary list.  We here at ATH worked really hard to fit in the tastes of the four of us, and when we decided upon our Top 50, it really boied down to simple math.  What albums did we love when they came out?  Do we still enjoy spinning those records months later? If they’re in the Top 50, then the asnwer is probably yes.  I mean, our Top 2 records came out in January, and still play a vital part in my weekly listening.  There’s no disclaimer here.  We are who we are, we like what we like, and we hope that’s okay with you. If not, drop us a line and let us know where we went wrong.

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Top Live Shows in Austin in 2012

Our year end coverage begins with the three chiefs over at the ATH offices reveling in what was an incredible year in Austin, musically speaking.  Tons of rad bands blew us away with their live sets, and, well, there were just tons of bands.  I think we did more show coverage this year than in previous years, but as always, the great thing about our site is diversity.  We’re also linking back to our full reviews and photos of some of these nights, so you can get more of a feel of our thoughts, not to mention, checking out Brian’s great photographic 2012. Read on for thoughts on live acts from the three main contributors.
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