Dropkick Share Another Single Off the Scenic Route

Let me just say this…if you’re writing guitar pop music at this very instant, please make it sound like Dropkick. The Scottish outfit have been around for a bit, but the forthcoming album, The Scenic Route, just seems to get better with each single used for promotion. Listening below, you’ll hear that ringing semi-jangle, encouraging a slight toe tap and head bob; it’s subtle, as are the band’s many charms. Sure, the vocals could be described as warm or gentle, but I think of them more as pleasant…something I’d sit and listen to with my mom on her back porch. It’s short, it’s catchy and makes you feel good about the world (for once), so be sure to pick it up from Bobo Integral; it drops on February 7th.

Dropkick Announce The Scenic Route

I hope that the name Dropkick isn’t entirely new to you, particularly if you’ve been hanging out on these pages here. If it is, then that’s fine, as you’ve now got a chance to check in on the band before they release their new LP, The Scenic Route. I suggest falling in love here, then checking out Longwave (2018). This track has that big ringing sound that made fellow Scots Teenage Fanclub a huge hit, though I’ve always felt like there was more of a gentle underbelly to the Dropkick songs; they almost feel like they’re firepit jams amped up for our pleasure…more Lucksmiths than Teenies. They’ve signed on to work with Bobo Integral next year and release the new LP on February 7th.

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