The Skating Party Share Orange Julius

I’ve always been a fan of Gregory James’ recording project The Skating Party (Been Caught Feeling is a definite fave), so its always nice to see a new tune pop up on the radar. Today we’re sharing the hypnotic new single “Orange Julius,” which opens up with this intoxicating wash of atmospherics before James enters the pictures, using his melodic voice to add a further texture to the tune. There are some slight tonal shifts at the end of his lines that really pull you in, just giving the slightest emphasis as the notes drop off the musical cliff. This is the sort of pop that carries you away, so seems perfect for a Monday morning. Enjoy.

The Skating Party Drop Been Caught Feeling

If you’re looking for a new pop group to get into, you needn’t look beyond The Skating Party…especially now that they’ve got a brand new LP ready to rock for you. The album’s lead single has a dreamy quality to it, at least in the way the vocals were recorded…but the details are where it’s at. I like the hi-hat work and the cascading guitar line in the distance; it’s dream pop, yet it seems to have some looped jazz qualities. It’s adventurous pop music for those willing to step out on a limb; you can grab Been Caught Feeling from Hidden Gem Records now!

The Skating Party + The Death of Pop

lathecutHidden Gem Records have just released this ridiculously beautiful split lathe 7″ from The Skating Party and the Death of Pop. The Skating Party tune is marvelous, sounding like a less electronic version of Radio Dept, brimming with an undercurrent of pop sensation that’s inescapable. On the flip, the Death of Pop tune unfolds with a slight hint of jangle, yet still beholden to dreamier soundscapes (with slightly more energy). You can grab this special collection of songs from Hidden Gem HERE.

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