Playlist: R.E. Seraphin

R.E. Seraphin was a staple in the Austin music scene for years, even working with ATH Records own Mean Jolene…but, life led him out to California where he’s just released a really wonderful new collection of songs: Tiny Shapes. I reached out to Ray to see if he’d be willing to share a playlist of tunes that influenced his latest release…and he kindly obliged. After the jump you’ll get 10 songs that helped R.E. Seraphin make a great new record. And if you’re so inclined, go grab a copy from Paisley Shirt Records!

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Hear Remastered Track from The Stray Trolleys

There’s a few of us around this neck of the woods that are way into Cleaners from Venus, so the fact that Martin Newell’s earlier project, The Stray Trolleys is getting the reissue format from Captured Tracks. I don’t really know how to pigeonhole the work, but in an attempt to try and spin it in a modern tone, just imagine that you got the Exploding Hearts together (RIP) and asked them to remove their punk ethos; you’d have just great pop music you could play over and over. The reissue of Barricades & Angels comes on January 20th.

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