More New Suspirians Jams

When you glimpse the length of this song, you’re likely to be a little taken aback by the near 9 minute opus Austin’s Suspirians have crafted. But, do your best to pay attention, as the trio takes you on a brooding jam filled with heavy riffs and squalling vocals. I actually love the steadying pace of the tune’s opening minutes, working riffs, guitars and vocals all into one wall of blissed out heavy noise. They almost take a stab at a psychedelic jam, yet their howling vocals bellowing in and out keep the song from sounding mundane. Ti Bon Ange will be released by Super Secret Records on June 9th.

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Suspirians Announce New Album

Pretty sure that everyone in Austin is just out to kick a whole lot of ass this year; it seems we’ve got one great release after another, and you can add Suspirians to that list. Stuttering guitars ring loudly from the get go, as drums pound and the song takes off; it spins in a heavy space direction before the vocals begin to spin around in the mix. The group plays around with some noise, and even the volume levels, always returning to full force. It’s a trashing take-no-prisoners jam, leading one to expect that Ti Bon Ange is going to be yet another top notch hit for the local scene here; it hits in June via Super Secret Records.

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