Milk Teddy Share Iron Rose Video

In honor of Milk Teddy reforming to play the Lost and Lonesome 25 Year Anniversary Party, I figured I’d run up this newly unearthed video from the sessions surrounding their last LP, Time Catches Up with Milk Teddy. Starring several band members, the video plays upon the song’s concept of a romantic tryst in a cemetery. Musically, you know I’m a sucker for vocals that seem almost spoken, but hanging onto enough melody that you’re gobsmacked. All of that and you get these floating backing harmonies on the vocals and huge ringing guitars, reminding me I need to go get myself a copy of Time Catches Up with Milk Teddy before they’re all gone! If you’re in Melbourne, they play this weekend! Hopefully the reformation leads to another record of hits!

Stream Time Catches Up with Milk Teddy

Every once in a while you stumble into an album you were looking forward to, and you’re proven right…every note hits, every track wins you over. Time Catches Up with Milk Teddy, the new album from the Aussie outfit is one such LP. I’ve already posted gems like “Rock n’ Roll Cretin” and “Sweet Bells Jangled,” but there’s not a misplaced tune on this record; it’s honestly some of the best guitar pop I’ve heard come out this year. If you’re searching for a record that’s going to impress your friends with your great taste, then introduce them to Milk Teddy. The LP is available now from Lost and Lonesome!

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Charming Pop from Milk Teddy

I don’t know too much about Milk Teddy, aside from their 2012 LP; they’ve been fairly quiet up until the last few months. Today I get to share with you the news that they’ll be releasing their new record, Time Catches Up with Milk Teddy, on August 18th via Lost and Lonesome. This song has these lofty vocal dancing high notes, reminding me in a strange way of the Glands…it just exudes happiness and spirituality, whether intentional or not. Hiding behind those vocals are these jangling dream guitar chords that perfectly accent the high vocal tones. This is simply special.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Milk Teddy Return with New Album

If you skipped over Zingers back in the day, then perhaps this new single is the perfect introduction to Milk Teddy, especially as it comes with the announcement of a new LP. I’d filed it under casual pop, though the sort that could only come from an Aussie act. There’s a mixture of guitar sounds from cascading notes to strumming, all crossing over one another as careful synth notes highlightthe song’s natural melodies. This is the sort of song that you spin all day long, so keep a look out forTime Catches Up with Milk Teddy on August 18th via Lost and Lonesome.

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