Last Week’s Jams (4.10 – 4.14)

Looking back at last week, there was tons of really great stuff out there, and admittedly, there are a few things we just didn’t have time to get to on our end. But, stoked for Austin, as there was great new music from Being Dead, Transy Warhol, Holy Wire and new project Feeling Small. My favorite track from the most recent Blues Laywer LP got a video treatment, so I had to have that one out. RayRay covered that huge banger from Night Beats, who will be in town for Psych Fest. And, one of my favorite SXSW acts Snooper announced their new LP too, so you get a bunch of winning hits!

Transy Warhol Share Deceiver, Baby Single

Be it Big Boys or the Dicks or Big Bill, Austin has had its share of jittering punk rock acts through the last several decades, but its time for Transy Warhol to assume their rightful spot on the throne this year. Their latest single has those jagged guitar chops, knifing their way right through your speakers, wiggling and squirming into your inner ear. Meanwhile, Ruby del Mar emphatically growls through the microphone, flirting with the band’s more dangerous side; it’s a great counterpoint to the rhythm section, working with the guitars to add a little bit of pogoing punk rock to the sand. At times you’ll hear the frantic angularity, other times the song embodies more primal tendencies…so you get a little bit of everything in their sound. The group are set to release Control on April 28th!

Transy Warhol Share Kaleidoscope

When booking our annual SOTO vs ATH party at Hotel Vegas, one of the bands I absolutely had to have on our line-up was Transy Warhol, who absolutely killed their set on the indoor stage. Around Austin, they’re known for their punk tendencies, which I adore, but this new single takes that staple sound and stretches it into something that seems quite a bit more bold and dramatic. It honestly feels like some of those early Cure pieces, when the band was clearly not ready to dive into the weirdness yet, holding onto punk structures whilst stretching it into these striking pop masterpieces. This is such a jam, you’ve got to press play right now! They’ll drop Control on April 28th.

Last Week’s Jams (2.20 – 2.24)

Even after taking off Monday, we managed to get tons of coverage out there. I was stoked to hear that new Cindy song that I had been promised late last year. RayRay started pushing some of our SXSW introductions out with Pendant and Orions Belte. A handful of Austin acts tossed out new tunes, so check in on Hallo, Space Tan and Transy Warhol…a few who will be playing our just announced ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party. Plus, I got a bonus add by getting an excuse to post a little Braid to this site, on top of including my favorite releases of the week for streaming purposes. Get at it below.

ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party – March 12th @ Hotel Vegas

First there was Covid, then I had another kid, but I’m back this year to reignite the annual AustinTownHall vs SideOneTrackOne SXSW Party. It’s a 3 stage extravaganza over at Hotel Vegas, bringing in some of our favorite acts from all over Austin and having them throw down ridiculous sets that make us all proud of our music scene. Huge shout out to John at SOTO and 101x Homegrown for the organization, and thanks to the Vegas crew for having us back here. This year, we’ve even got a fun playlist for you to sample the tunes and share around to get your friends excited.

Show starts at 3 PM on March 12 at Hotel Vegas/Volstead! FREE! See you there!

Transy Warhol Drop Afterglow Single

Austin outfit Transy Warhol have been dubbed the next Big Boys, taking up the torch passed through acts like Big Bill and others. But, while the punk side is there, it’s fleshed out on this fresh single in an artier, almost melodic fashion. The vocals have a bit of gruffness, but they’re curled into warm croon that very much feels like it could be the sound of a number of 80s post punk acts. I like the frantic nature of the guitars, stabbing at the speakers with this angular sharpness that really gets the blood flowing, so keep an eye out on this lot as they’ll be releasing their debut Control later this year!

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