Top Songs of 2012: 1-100

Our year end lists are wrapping up at this point, but we wouldn’t be a legitimate music site without a list of the top songs from 2012.  Personally, I feel like this list is a thousand times more difficult to compose than an albums list because we’re dealing with close to 400-500 songs in the running.  It’s been a long process trying to narrow that iTunes playlist down to 100, and I know some incredible tunes from this year are missing, but we hope you enjoy.  Ladies and gentlemen, follow the jump for the ATH version of top 2012 songs.

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SXSW Interviews: Tribes

We’ve all fully recovered from our SXSW shenanigans here at ATH and our coverage is also just about over.  Before we call it quits, I’ve got one more interview coming your way from UK indie rock band Tribes.  Jim Cratchley took the time to answer our round of SXSW questions shortly after his band left town and headed back out on the road.  You can find his responses after the jump.

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More Straight-forward Rock from Tribes

A short while ago we hooked you up with a jam from Tribes, the UK band who’re expected to blow up in the States pretty soon.  On March 13th the band will release their record, Baby, state-side, and I’m sure it’s going to be a polarizing ordeal.  The band stakes their claim to a no-frills rock n’ roll approach, just blasting out the jams like we all secretly want.  In listening to this song, part of me wants is singing along, tapping my feet; the other part of me is worried it’s going to get panned because it is so gimmick free. I think it’s tasty, I think it’s fun: you be the the judge!


Download:Tribes – Whenever [MP3]

New Rock from Tribes

Man, you’ve got to love it when a band throws caution to the wind and actually goes into the studio without a bunch of pre-programmed tracks to build on.  This is just such the case with UK outfit Tribes, who’ve just released their We Were Children EP, which is the precursor to their album, Baby, which should make its way over here in January.  From the get go, it’s got a bit of that off-kilter warble that you might remember from early Wolf Parade tracks.  Still, they have a gentler side that you’ll find a bit further along in the track, which is where they stay for the most part in the remainder of the song.  All in all, there’s definitely a bright side to this offering, so check it.


Download: Tribes – We Were Children [MP3]

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