This Twist Single Has Perfect Timing

twitsIf you’re outside of Austin reading this, I’ll apologize for being whiny, but the weather here’s pretty miserable.  Rain, cold…so un-March. But, with shitty weather comes fitting music to provide an escape.  On the new single from Twist, the track opens with little more than guitar and vocals; it doesn’t pick up immensely, though it does pull in some electronic beats to fill in the sound.  For me, it’s the perfect storm to match that going on outside my window at the moment, providing a dense bit of pop that’s both calming and unsettling.  No words on a release anytime soon, but at least we’ll have this track.

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Take a Listen to Twist

twistThis is an interesting spin on modern day garage/lo-fi production.  Toronto’s Twist have added a seductive spin on the tried and true sound we’ve all been tirelessly fawning over for the last several years. You’ll hear a brash opening, but then it slinks into a more consumable bit of pop songwriting, though the noise begins to fill in the negative space left behind in the background.  As of now, the band’s just fleshing out their sound, but word is that they’ll have an EP on the way to you all very soon.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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