Austin Spotlight: Walker Lukens Remix Premiere

Walker-Lukens-1After an excellent year with the release of his album, Devoted, Walker Lukens has decided to up the ante by releasing a six song Devoted Remixed EP.  It’s going to be a short little stop-gap in his writing process, offering up remix versions of 6 album tracks, revised, so to speak.  Our premiere brings you “Lover (Two Dudes in Love Remix),” which demonstrates the care and detail on the tracks within the EP; it’s a much sparser version of the original, leaving lots of empty space for beats and loops to move within.  The remix, as the title indicates, was completed by San Francisco production team of Two Dudes In Love. He’ll be offering up the EP on May 27th, with a special release show on May 31st at Stubbs; the show will also feature locals Ruby Jane and Hello Wheels.  Take your time with this tune, and if you’ve got it, go back and visit Devoted…then thank us later.

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