You Should Listen To: Window Twins

One of the worst things about the Internet is it’s hard to keep up with your favorite artists, but while looking up information on another act, I was reminded of the Window Twins.  I had heard of the project between Tim Cohen (Fresh and Onlys) and Jon Berson, but I hadn’t really seen a lot of buzz on the Internet about them, other than the distant memory of a video run a month back. It’s a good thing I checked in on Volar Records, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the chance to order the limited vinyl for Wish, the band’s new album.  It’s a minimal folk sound, accentuated by tinkering with various layers, much like Cohen’s Magic Trick, but more intimate.  It’s almost a no-brainer right? A great songwriter with a great set of tunes, joined by a friend to make an album. Have a sample.


Download:Window Twins – Two Left Feet [MP3]

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