Johnny Aries Releases New Single

I was actually a big Johnny Aries fan back in his Two-Wounded Birds days, but definitely love that he’s become an integral part of the Drums line-up over the last decade or so. But, today its all about him, as he drops this drifting bit of melancholy pop music, a piece that perhaps will appear on his new LP, which is stated to be in the works. This one’s all about sliding into the sprit of sadness mentioned in the song’s title; you can feel those sparse guitar notes just echoing in the darkness, atmospheric noises shooting pass as you get to wallow in the emotion of the single. Get in touch with your feelings below!

Enjoy This Latest Single from Johnny Aries

johnnOkay. Johnny Aries plays with the Drums.  But, don’t let that impact your listening.  He’s actually better known, to me, of this role in UK outfit Two Wounded Birds.  The UK songwriter has a touch of that spritely bounce you’ll get in his current act, but there’s more of a traditional indiepop sound coming from his songs; I can even hear a bit of that Moz croon hanging on the tip of his delivery.  It’ll be interesting to hear how his whole record, Unbloomed, shapes up. It’s going to be released by Frenchkiss on August 26th.

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Top Songs of 2012: 1-100

Our year end lists are wrapping up at this point, but we wouldn’t be a legitimate music site without a list of the top songs from 2012.  Personally, I feel like this list is a thousand times more difficult to compose than an albums list because we’re dealing with close to 400-500 songs in the running.  It’s been a long process trying to narrow that iTunes playlist down to 100, and I know some incredible tunes from this year are missing, but we hope you enjoy.  Ladies and gentlemen, follow the jump for the ATH version of top 2012 songs.

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New Summer Tunes From Two Wounded Birds

Man it’s almost summer and it’s just about time for some sweet summer jams coming from RayRay.  Today I’ve got just what the doctor ordered in the form of “To Be Young” by UK based band Two Wounded Birds.  It seems like it’s been forever since we’ve heard from this group since we last posted about them way back in the fall of 2010.  Well now the group finally have their debut self-titled LP ready for a June 24th release date on Holiday Friends Records and we couldn’t be more excited.  Hell, I’m just beside myself.


Download: Two Wounded Birds – To Be Young [MP3]

More New Music From Two Wounded Birds

This summer we posted a new beach rock song from UK band Two Wounded Birds called “My Lonesome”.  Well now we’ve got new track “Night Patrol” that appears on the recently released EP Keep On Dreaming Baby.  The first track we posted reminded us of Twin Peaks, so we’ll stick with the theme music idea and compare this jam to one you might find on a James Bond soundtrack.  You can hear the entire new EP from Wounded Birds on their bandcamp site or buy a physical copy from Holiday Records.


Download: Two Wounded Birds – Night Patrol [MP3]

New Tunes from Two Wounded Birds

Here’s a band you might dig if you’re into the whole surf-pop array of the music world.  Two Wounded Birds hail from the UK, and they’re currently backing The Drums on tour, but don’t let that mislead you in any way, as their sound isn’t quite like that.  It’s got a real beach feel, but with a silky croon over it, that for some reason reminds me of Twin Peaks.  I don’t know though, that’s just me; you be the judge of this track.


Download: Two Wounded Birds – My Lonesome

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