Daphne Tunes Share Thinkin on a Mem Video

Daphne Tunes is helmed by one of our dear friends, Santiago; he formerly fronted ATH act Growl (those LPs are $5!). But, don’t let our allegiance to our friends steer you away from the playful video below, directed by Santi himself. Plus, we’re really picky, and we only love the greatest voices out there…so just listen to those pipes and I think you’ll get why we love his work so much. I love the guitar work here too, the way it kind of shuffles up your feet, getting your body swinging naturally from side to side. Right now I’m thinkin’ on a mem, and missing this band’s live sets! If you dig, you can grab Volume 2 from Uncool Records.

Daphne Tunes Share Thinkin on a Mem

It’s really hard not to get personal when writing about Daphne Tunes; I’ve been writing about lead songwriter Santiago RD for what seems like years, not to mention releases I’ve done with he and the rest. But, I try to always work with good humans…and this band is full of some of the best. Alas…there’s a song at play here, I swear. Let’s take on those guitars first. Here they have this almost 80s soft rock swagger, mixed in between some really soft guitar jangles that leave plenty of space. Why space? Well, because Santiago has one of those special voices you wish could accompany you anywhere; he weaves his vocal lines so naturally into the fabric of the song that it almost becomes this added layer of melody. Hands down one of my favorite voices in Austin. Hearing this song just makes me feel like the world does indeed have promise, like we have reason to celebrate. It’ll appear on the band’s new album, Volume 2, which will be packaged with Volume 1 on nice shiny vinyl on October 4th, courtesy of Uncool Records.

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