Sculpture Club Share Twirl for Me Single

Utah’s Sculpture Club have only recently hit my radar, but I’m definitely glad to have hit upon the tunes from their next record, Worth. As this song indicates, they’re heavily versed in the sounds of the Cure; you can hear it in the way the guitars mingle with one another, offering light jangles and that dreamier blend. But, rather than be mere nods to the pass, they’ve got Chaz Costello’s soft delivery, at time coming through your speakers like a melodic little whisper amongst friends. They’ll release the new album via Cercle Social Records on May 14th, so if your interest is piqued, you know where to go.

Premiere New Suburban Birds Hit

We first caught onto Suburban Birds back when they dropped their EP, but since then, they’ve been holed up inside the studio working on their debut LP. Today we’ve got this delightful number for you, bringing in elements of psychedelia, sunshine and harmonies to create a track that gives you a groovy dose of escapism. Rather than ride it out to the end, the group pulls back the pace and allows for a bit of deconstruction with their own structures..stripping things down until the audio fizzles out. Lituya Bay is sure to be a journey, so join up with them when the album drops on September 26th.

SXSW Interview: The National Parks

I wasn’t kidding when I said multiple interviews would be coming soon highlighting some of the bands coming to SXSW in a couple weeks. This year I sent out questions to any band interested, even if the band was totally unfamiliar to me prior to the interview or their style wasnt necessarily my favorite. I figure this will allow for more exposure and interesting responses from a wider variety of artists. Today we continue our ongoing effort to provide you interesting SXSW interviews with indie folk band The National Parks. Hit the jump to see whats what.

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Check New Go Suburban Tunes

sosuburbI’ll admit that I’ve drifted from the classic indie rock sound that I adored during the 00s, but this tune from Go Suburban has me rethinking. The cornerstone of the modern indie rock statement is a great vocal, which is present here, but I needed extra touches to convince me. For one, cascading guitars ringing in the background got me, then little audio clips pushed me over the edge. Plus, like all great tensions, I needed some building tension to rise and fall, such as the moment just after the 3 minute mark. Their album WWDK, featuring this track of the same name, is available now.

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New Video From Mideau

MideauSometimes when I’m trying to find things to post on the ‘ol interwebs, I come across music that I wouldn’t normally think I’d be into, but something about it just strikes a chord.  Today that song is “Maude” from Salt Lake City based indie pop group Mideau.  The song is a number that reminds me of an almost chilled out version of Phantogram or even old school indie rockers Headlights with a bit of an electro twist.  Of course the sweet jam has an accompanying video that compliments the track nicely.

Check out the video after the jump.

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