Allison Lorenzen Shares Vale (ft. Midwife)

You might be familiar with Allison Lorenzen‘s work as a member of School Dance, but our focus here is on her incredible single under her own name for her solo work. Honestly, I just want this song to play throughout the rest of the day; it perfectly captures the balance between light and dark that makes this brand of pop so perfect. Opening with this almost gothic guitar chord, bringing in this shadow to start us off, you’re set up perfectly, to enter the caverns of Lorenzen’s creation. At first Allison’s voice, while perfectly sharp, still carries an almost heavy tone to it, matching the musical element. But, as that moves along, and we enter the chorus, the vocals evolve into something stronger, almost angelic in nature; it’s absolutely captivating. Just press play and don’t forget to thank me later!

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