Pony Hunt Share That Feelin

In case you haven’t been following our site the last month or so, I’m pretty into the sweet sounds of Pony Hunt, the songwriting project of Jessie Antonick. On the latest single, you get this dizzying vocal performance, at times smoky and soulful, other moments are powerful and shattering. Musically, there’s a campfire stomp to this track, with the twang of the guitars helping to give Antonick’s voice this soaring quality that billows through your speakers into the night sky. Be sure to stick around as the song’s last thirty second are something quite special. VAR is out on July 23rd via Wing and Wing Records.

Pony Hunt Share Who Are You

As of late, I keep associating music with the moving pictures in my mind, and when it comes to the latest from Pony Hunt, I can’t help but visualize a scene where rain splatters upon windows, water descending in bullets as the song’s notes fall away. The whole tune is filled with this melancholic beauty, such that you’re just sitting there, awestruck, waiting to be crushed by the weight of this tune. Give in to the feeling, and you’ll likely find yourself rewarded ten-fold. The band’s new album, VAR!, will drop on July 23rd via Wing and Wing.

Pony Hunt Share Stardust Video

I love a great video, particularly when its paired with equally great song, like the latest from Pony Hunt. For me, the song was a rolling journey, begun by the drum beat; they set you up with a soft roll, laying out the world before your feet. It’s then that Jessie Antonick’s voice enters the fray, serenading you with this heavenly voice, filled with guttural emotion, yet sparkling in the dark shades of the song. I appreciate the little breakdown just after the 2 minute mark, offering a slight soul performance in the midst of the tune’s dense sound, which eventually creeps back in and carries the song to a close. This song appears on the new record, VAR!, which is out on July 23rd via Wing and Wing.

Top Songs of 2013

best songs ath 2013We’ve put our pretty little heads together ladies and gentlemen to bring you our favorite songs from this past year.  It was a difficult task with our ever growing staff, but we feel like this list best represents the diverse taste of our staff.  Love it or hate it, it’s ours to call our own.  Hit play and put your head down or dance or shimmmy or drool or whatever works. Most of all we hope you hear something you missed, something you want to buy or something you want to see live.

Scroll past the playlist for full the run of the bestest songs ever this year.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/15794740″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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New Song from Var (formerly War)

This song has been floating all over the Internet this morning as the Danish group formerly known as War changed their name to Var–you might also know about the group already due to their relationship (read: participation) with Iceage.  There’s a really throbbing electronic element to this track, and while I realize that the vocals are not the most pristine, there is some element of this song that keeps me coming back.  I don’t know, there’s some tribal element in the demi-chant, and I just want to play the song loudly here in my little office. Hope you dig it, and who knows, maybe they’ll play the track as a pre-cursor when they come to Austin next month for Chaos in Tejas.


Download: Var – Your Arms [MP3]

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