Last Week’s Jams (10.28 – 11.1)

Just when we thought the year was dragging to a close, we managed to find enough hits to fall in love with and make you a proper playlist! We even have a few of the tracks we covered from Maneater and Boyracer missing, so be sure to check those out. I loved the opening song from Prism Shores; it’s definitely a bright spot on last week, along with the reemergence of Mogwai on the scene. We managed to get in some Austin love for Whalers and Gus Baldwin and the Sketch, not to mentioned representing for the local festival with Levitation interviews from Hello Mary and the Strange Lot. Plus, our pal Michael Maly was able to swing some coverage for Air‘s 25th Anniversary performance of Moon Safari, giving me a chance to slide “Sexy Boy” into yet another playlist. Check it all out below.

Crank Up Drag Me Under from Velociraptor

Friday has me all up in my pop feelings; I’m just wanting to have a little bit of fun today, bounce around with my kids on their post-Halloween high. We’re kicking it around the house, and I’m cranking this through the speakers, as Velociraptor just bring the hooks. You’ll probably make some connections to the last Strokes record, and if I’m being honest, I don’t mind that one bit; it’s got a little bit of nostalgia, a little bit of cockiness in its presentation. Crank it all the way, particularly when you hit the chorus with the band, and you’re going to be spinning in your room like my little kids are right now. Let’s have some fun, and if you want more, be sure to check out the group’s Computer Future LP, which drops today!

Fun Pop from Veolciraptor

I’m loving that Australians are still intent on keeping rock n’ roll going; it seems like a dumb strategy to just stop sharing music for an entire month (plus), but at least we’ve got a new Velociraptor tune. This track is pure pop joy; it’s got that attitude you likely found in early Hives and Strokes records, but in being honest, the band has totally ramped up the pop sensibility. The vocals have this natural hook to them, kind of curling syllables like you’d expect from a Billy Idol impersonator; it’s the sort of performance that gets you energized at any point of your day, so if you’re in need of a kick, it’s right here! This is our first taste of the group’s new album, Computer Future, coming next year vi Coolin’ by Sound.

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