Three Quarter Skies Share Leave a Light On

Simon Scott’s name is going to carry a lot of weight into his Three Quarter Skies project, and rightfully so, as the drummer for Slowdive is building something that certainly feels adjacent to his other work. This song feels like a light rainstorm rolling in off the ocean, as you can see/hear the clouds from miles away, but when they arrive via the vocals, they’re lighter, merely rinsing you with emotion rather than pummeling you with thunderous rain drops. It’s the sort of storm where you just sit in it, grateful to be alive as your body is washed by this musical piece, all the textures of the world circling about. Fade In will be released on September 6th via Sonic Cathedral.

Geneva Jacuzzi Drops Scene Ballerina Video

Dropping into my afternoon, and dropping into some pure nostalgia as we bump this new track from Geneva Jacuzzi. The lyrical content is all about that one person who always steps up to steal the spotlight, take the attention…and probably ruin someone’s night. But, musically, its pure glitzy pop, straight out of the Madonna playbook. The beat matches up with the punctuated vocal delivery of the verse, then the tonal vocal change certainly feels like it channels the old-school approach. There’s even some spoken word layering beneath, which definitely feels Madge-esque. A fun tune as you dance about and get ready to grab a copy of Triple Fire, out August 23rd via Dais Records.

Another Peel Dream Magazine Tune

As much as we knew what to expect in the early work of Peel Dream Magazine, it seems that Joe Stevens work on the newest LP did see him branching out in new directions, or at least letting other folks join in on the fun, like the partnered vocals that run the course through this song and its accompanying video. Musically, it’s still all about bending in those corners of psychedelia into a pop-centric vibe that works around studio-beat-magic and vibrant melodies. Personally, the chorus is the sweet spot on this tune, offering an almost toying melody, teasing you without going full on into the realms of cliche bedroom pop. Rose Main Reading Room is out September 4th via Topshelf.

New Single from Robber Robber

Robber Robber will be dropping their new Wild Guess LP at the end of this week, and every time I get a new single, it’s like a grab bag, offering different little musical bites for me to sample. Their newest kicks off in a very run-of-the-mill fashion, but then takes a left turn to capture the runaway noise, fueled by a youthful vibrance and perhaps sheer indifference to expectations, making their sound all the more exciting. Nina Cates kick-ass delivery also seems to be taunting us, playing on the spoken-word manifestation, but then almost pulling our leg, embracing her control over the listener. Again, if you’re looking for a band willing to take you wherever their mind goes, you’ll love Wild Guess, which drops Friday!

Teenage Tom Petties Share Night Nurse

Dear Teenage Tom Petties. I sincerely need you to stop writing such catch pop songs that, quite frankly, are ruining my day. I’m sitting here looking at an email inbox of over 100 new tracks and albums, but all I want to do is listen to this new track. I love how you’ve pushed the gritty bits of guitar to the distance; they’re not completely gone, but they allow the pitch of the vocals to really sell the melody. Oh, and then you went and threw in some “whoas” and handclaps. Are you serious? How can you expect anyone to get anything done when you’re writing with such whimsy and joy, all the while tossing in hooks galore? You’ve ruined my day. Alas, I’ll have to go grab a copy of your new self-titled record, dropping on August 2nd via Safe Suburban Home/Repeating Cloud.

Ocelot Share Prinssi Pikkuveli Single

We’re getting some light rain here in Texas, with the clouds hiding the early morning sun, so I wanted something shiny to spark up our day, like this fresh new single from Ocelot. While the song opens up an offering that feels akin to current indie pop trends, it quickly delivers a sound built with textures that provide an elegant depth. That bouncing barroom piano playfully sets the song afire, but it’s the overlapping vocals that drive the hook from the chorus deep into your soul. Even if, like me, you’re not up on your Finnish, the sentiment supersedes language barriers, finding a home in your listening rotation. This tune appears on Siskoni on Noita, out in September 20th via the good people at Soliti Music.


A Place to Bury Strangers Announce Synthesizer

This year we’ve seen a slew of singles coming from A Place to Bury Strangers, so it should be no surprise to folks that there’s a new album on the way, titled Synthesizer. Opening with this screeching guitar, you can hear the band drive into the realms of swirling-twirling noise, but beneath that, you hear a charing drum pattern, setting the backbone for what’s coming your way. Wailing walls of noise shatter through the space, but the vocals hang heavy in the midst of it all, shouldering the slight hint at melody as the song churns out discord in magnificent fashion. By pressing play you’ll find yourself straddling the world of danceable rhythms and waves of experimental noise, and you’ll thank us for it later. Synthesizer is out on October 4th through Dedstrange.

Molchat Doma Announce Belaya Polosa

Not quite sure about any of the words going on in this new Molchat Doma tune, but the Belarusian post-punk outfit have crafted one of the most striking opening minutes of the summer…if you’re asking me (and maybe B. Gray). That pulsating beat is infectious, and I’m almost a little disappointed in the actor in the video as he should be hitting it so much harder when that drum starts thumping. Those sharp synth notes stabbing in just completely rocked my world, and I couldn’t find a way to get them out from under my skin. When the vocals finally come in, they seem almost seem like some monk’s choir, meant to haunt from some distant abbey in a land far away. Pulsating and other worldly, this tune rips for sure. Belaya Polosa is out September 6th via Sacred Bones Records.

Lunar Vacation Release Sick Video

The video is sick, but it’s also “Sick,” so be sure we don’t get those sentiments confused when talking about the great new Lunar Vacation track. For my meaningless two-cents, this is the band taking the modern indie rock sound and stretching it a bit beyond; I love how the vocals just feel casual, as if they’re in no rush to really deliver the hooks. The space behind Gep’s voice feels a bit more dangerous than one might expect, which bodes well for the tune (and the album) as you can gravitate towards that bit of and edge while still being swept up in the emotional power. When they briefly break it all down at the two minute mark, you’re in for a nice little 10 second treat that’ll keep you circling back for your fix (and that dreamy fade out–this song has it all). Everything Matters, Everything’s Fire is out on September 13th via Keeled Scales.

Tears Run Rings Announce New Album

If you’ve been following the world of modern shoegaze/dreampop in the United States, and you’re one of those nerds who cares about labels (like me), then you definitely know who Shelflife Records is. Did you know that the label founders also have a band, Tears Run Rings? Well, you should, as today’s announcement of a new record is actually their 4th! Our first little tastes gives us the textbook sound, albeit one that allows for plenty of monosyllabic notes to kind of hover as a textured layer. That’s their area of expertise too, as they create this majesty of layers, using their musical arsenal to build this audial landscape that you an hear in 3D. But, be sure to stick through the whole of the tune as they take several opportunities to bliss out that powerful sound. Everything in the End is out on September 6th.

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