Lightning Bug Drop Vision Scraps

When I think of bands that defined the sound of shoegaze, I almost always think of sheer noise and discomfort taking precedence over vocals…but that hasn’t been necessarily true as the genre’s grown. That said, I think of all the bands, Lightning Bug seem to have the perfect balance between vocals and noise. They open their latest single with these huge fuzzy riffs that crash upon the listeners ears, backed by a steady rhythm section driving the song forward. When the vocals come in, they have this clear pop sensibility that contrasts what’s going on behind; you can still hear the guitar screeching like a cat from just behind the voice. There’s a few minutes where it’s all stripped back to offer thoughtful respite, but mostly this song is all about perfect that balance between the two. You can find this tune on October Song, the new LP dropping September 6th via Marbled Arm Records.

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