Turn to Crime, Again!

ttcOkay, so maybe we’ve been all about Turn to Crime, but I think with their latest single, they fully deserve our attention here.  For me, this band has some sonic similarities to the work of my fave, the Walkmen; it uses a similar style working with the negative space…and there’s just a slight hint of Hambone in the vocals.  It doesn’t hurt that the band are also showing some diversity in their work, which bodes well for their forthcoming album, Actions.  Look to pick up the record on April 28th via Mugg & Bopp.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/197215135″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Rock It Out with Small Reactions

smallerreactorsJust a few weeks ago, I thought I had found the next band to fill my Walkmen void with Small Reactions.  That being said, I think they’ve got more to offer than where I pigeon-holed them, musically speaking.  On this brand new single, they’ve got this ringing guitar that’s just huge; it’s right up in the mix ready to unleash madness.  You can hear the pace being packed on by the drum work, pushing the track forward; it’s almost falling off the tracks at points.   The group unleash their LP, Similar Phantoms, on October 28th, so you don’t have too long to wait to hear it in its entirety.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/166511285″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Top Songs of 2012: 1-100

Our year end lists are wrapping up at this point, but we wouldn’t be a legitimate music site without a list of the top songs from 2012.  Personally, I feel like this list is a thousand times more difficult to compose than an albums list because we’re dealing with close to 400-500 songs in the running.  It’s been a long process trying to narrow that iTunes playlist down to 100, and I know some incredible tunes from this year are missing, but we hope you enjoy.  Ladies and gentlemen, follow the jump for the ATH version of top 2012 songs.

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Show Preview: Walkmen/Beach House @ Stubbs (9/20)

Date 9/20/12
Location Stubbs
Doors 6pm
Tickets SOLD OUT!!

Do I really need to say anything about this show?  I don’t think so.  If you don’t have tickets, try to find some on craigslist kids.  This show is sure to be one of the most anticipated in town of the year.  Both of these bands are some of the few that can actually deliver what they record into the live setting.  Opening support is provided by Dustin Wong.  Oh and make sure you note the early door times so you don’t miss anything.


Download: Beach House – Myth [MP3]


Download: The Walkmen – Stranded [MP3]

ACL Lineup Announced

acl_lineup_adIt’s finally here.  You’ve been waiting all Spring; you’ve even bought your tickets, and now the 2009 ACL lineup is here.  I won’t lie, the headliners aren’t really doing anything for me, esepecially because of my extreme hatred for Dave Mathews Band.  But, there are some killer bands that will be gracing smaller stages that you’ll definitely want to check out such as Sonic Youth, Phoenix, Grizzly Bear, The Dodos, Passion Pit and the Walkmen.  You can still buy tickets for a measly $185 here.

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