New Music from The Holydrug Couple

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to turn your head from The Holydrug Couple. Their last album, Mourn (2015), showed some steps in a more pop-centric direction…and it looks like Hyper Super Mega is going to take an even larger step forward. This single below is perhaps one of the band’s most accessible tunes; it offers a soul-inflected vocal crawl, while harkening to some of the pop-collage work the Flaming Lips did around the Yoshimi-era. It’s just weird enough to make turn those cool kids on, but it has this pop sensibility that supersedes any essence of cool. Look for the new LP to drop on September 14th via Sacred Bones Records.

Fear of Men Ready Debut Album

fearofmenWhen Fear of Men release Early Fragments, it felt more like a full length than an actual EP; it was concise and organized, not to mention enduring in my own personal play list. As they prepare for the release of their debut, Loom, they’re leaking out a track today, which is in essence, two tracks.  The first is a soft interlude of vocals that leads into the more propulsive “Waterfall.”  Already, you can hear the thought given to each detail, especially to the album’s construction. The record will be out on April 22nd via Kanine Records; it’s going to be a must have for everyone.

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