Pleased to Meet You: STFU

stfuI love it when someone who you admire musically releases something new out of the blue, something you gravitate towards. Preston M. is a member of Bloody Knives, who’ve graced our Internet site before, and just yesterday he tossed up a completed album with D. Garcia, going by the name of STFU (that’s a wrestling move, right?). It’s part industrial electronica and part dream pop, meeting somewhere in the dark middle. I like that some tracks offer up vocals, while others clearly have the duo experimenting with sound. Like your music with a hint of darkness and noise, and a dash of pop? Get into the band’s debut album, What We Want. Stream it below.

New Catchy Pop Tune From Goodman


I’ve really taken a liking to this new tuneage sent my way from a young chap based out of NYC going by the name Michael Goodman.  Now Goodman does the primary songwriting for his group, but he had help from a few of his friends when recording his brand new album What We Want.  What I notice when listening to the song below, “Night Person”, is an immediate old school doo wop sound that might be best compared to someone like Buddy Holly.  Sure that may be a bit bold, but I think the tunes can speak for themselves.  The new album I just mentioned is actually streaming for free over on the Goodman soundcloud page.


Download: Goodman – Night Person [MP3]

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