Last Week’s Jams (10.7 – 10.11)

We crushed the coverage last week; we had some ACL coverage as well as some Sigur Ros notes from their Austin show. But, we also covered a solid 28 tracks, 26 of which made the cut on our Last Week’s Jams (the new Boyracer and Rocky Lorelei can only be found on the site). A new track from the Serfs is still living rent-free in my brain, while I discovered just how much I’m enjoying Kim Deal‘s new solo stuff. That doesn’t even scratch the surface, as there were several Texas’ acts like Pets and Trauma Ray getting some new jams out. I will admit, perhaps I overdid it, but eh, you love the new stuff right? Cool. Stream it then.

Did You Listen to the Dancer/Whisper Hiss Split

Kicking myself in the rear again, as this Dancer/Whisper Hiss record was definitely something we wanted you to get into on Friday, especially as the Bandcamp sales went to the artists and one of our favorite labels, HHBTM. This special release brought Glaswegians and Portlandians together like never before, both spinning their own take on radical post-punk. Each group tossed out some videos, too, last week, and again, I failed you by not being on top of things! So, I’m rectifying that below. There’s six tracks from each band, and might I recommend “Movable Objects” if you’re a one-stop shopper. Regardless, grab a copy of the Split 12″ HERE, and check the videos below!

Last Week’s Jams (8.12 – 8.16)

I reckon we have a few more months of solid hits before the world settles into Year End Lists or what not, and while I may be swamped, I’m really enjoying the great music that just keeps pumping out. This week we had all sort of old favorites and new, with our pals in Humdrum announcing a new LP, while other reliables like APTBS were doing their thing. Really got into the new stuff from Weak Signal and Mo Dotti, not to mention that lovely track from Little Oso. And then, we were able to close out the week with Jim Nothing and Dancer dropping fresh songs? Yeah, just out here crushing it!

Dancer and Whisper Hiss Announce Split 12″ for HHBTM Records

After a very successful Spring LP release for Dancer, it looks as if we’ll be treated to more from the Glaswegian no-pop masters. A serendipitous conversation with HHBTM Records led to the band befriending queer-post-punk Portland act, Whisper Hiss, and the two acts agreeing to cull their individual projects for a Split 12″ release! Dancer weave their springing style into “Priority Girl,” which features brilliant little vocal twists and turns that continue to establish the act as one of the best in the game. Whisper Hiss had to give the Scots a little bit of a “hold my beer” moment, upping the ante by throwing out some old school angular punk wiggles that worm their way into a bit of an erratic shimmy. Two really great acts combining for a pop release for the ages, and all thanks to the great people at HHBTM; the 12″ will be released on October 4th.

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