Zula Return with New Years

Every day I wake up and go to work. I grab some coffee, sit at my desk and then start teaching. All day long I try to remind myself that life’s the most fun when I’m being weird; I encourage my students to be weird. Zula encapsulates the weird in their approach to writing pop centric hits. Changes in tempo, switches of instrumental focus all come and go from the instant that organ grinder opens things up. And sure, it could get so much weirder, but I’m glad that the group keeps its focus, circling around pop themes and sugary melodies. It’s a timeless sound that never seems to go out of fashion with my tastes…like a modern Beulah. If you like this track, you’ll want to catch New Years when its dropped by Inflated Records on September 21st.

New Music from Zula

ZulaPress2013a_121054It’s pouring rain down here in Austin, so I feel like we need something to brighten up our days a bit, or at least give us some spirit.  This tune from Zula is really working for me, as it really shows a more ecclectic version of your modern indie pop.  I sort of hear bits of all the bands everyone loves, but none stands out, allowing the group to stake claim to their own sound. They’ll be releasing This Is Hopeful, their debut, on October 29th via Inflated Records.

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