ACL Spotlight: Queens of the Stone Age
As we are now only a few short days away from ACL weekend number 1, it’s time to get this whole artist preview thing kicking into high gear. Â I shall continue our ongoing coverage with a quick look at a band I’m personally excited to see again at ACL, Queens of the Stone Age. Â Follow the jump for some thoughts.
I’ve always felt like QOTSA is one of those bands that the indie blogging world tends to write off or even completely ignore. Â Is it because our little blogging community is afraid of such in your face rock? Â Maybe the band just isn’t edgy enough anymore? Â Or maybe we’re shocked that they can actually play their frigging instruments? Â Of course none of my theories can really be proven fact or fiction, but I feel like I might be on to something. Â Yes, it seems that we’re living in this musical period where we all get off watching a guy push some buttons on his computer while nodding his head up and down like a jackass. Â This is certainly not what’s in store when you stand near the stage for Queens of the Stone Age.
My first real exposure to QOTSA came back in 2000 with the release of their sophomore effort Rated R.  I remember as a young teenager being completely blown away by the sound of the guitars, the intense percussion, and the incredibly scandalous lyrics.  That album was fairly impressive, but then Songs For the Deaf came out when I was a young whipper snapper in college and everything changed.  Everything.  I view that album as one of the true rock opera classics of our time and give full approval to its spot on our Top Albums of the 00’s post.  Most would simply say that the band have never lived up to that album since, and though I sort of agree, let’s not forget some of the gems on Lullabies to Paralyze and Era Vulgaris.  Sure they aren’t from start to finish the same, but they still have some great tracks locked within.
However you feel about this band’s current work, you can’t deny that the live show will be great. Â Get up close and enjoy some real rock n roll would ya? Â Homme won’t let ya down.
You can catch QOTSA on Friday the 4th & 11th at 7:30pm on the Bud Light Stage.
[audio:]Download: Queens of the Stone Age – No One Knows [MP3]