New John Wesley Coleman on Slack Capital

Slack Capital 2 is a compilation of music by 27 of the greatest bands in Austin. All proceeds from the comp go to SafePlace, which provides support for victims of domestic and sexual violence. We’re unveiling one song per day until the the release party on April 14.

Song of the day: John Wesley Coleman III — “Rodeo Clown”

The enigmatic John Wesley Coleman III sounds like Suicide meets Sea Change-era Beck on this unreleased contribution to Slack Capital 2. “She’s a rodeo clown/ upside down” he murmurs, as if to himself while tripping down a back alley at four in the morning. Shambling, lo-fi, slathered in reverb, and never changing from a simple chord progression, “Rodeo Clown” proves to be surprisingly addictive, and even kind of sweet. That contrast between the twinkling xylophone and creepy whisper background vocals is everything you need to slide into a spiritual K-hole of a weekend. And just like a weekend, “Rodeo Clown” is over before you know it, but lingers foggily in your memory as if it happened a long time ago.

Have a good one y’all, and see you next Friday April 14 at Barracuda for the Slack Capital 2 release party!

Pre-Order Slack Capital 2 HERE.

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