Shearwater @ Mohawk (1/30)
Option numero dos for Friday shows sees new local favorite Shearwater returning to town for a show at The Mohawk. Tickets are very cheap, running at only $8. Doors for the show open at 8pm and music starts shortly after with sets by Black Before Red followed by Brazos. We’ve given this band all kinds of praise this year (including sneaking into the top 10 albums of the year) so we of course think this will be a good one.
Download: Shearwater – Rooks [MP3]
I am so jealous of the $8 dollar shows so frequently mentioned on this site offered in Austin. Chicago is greedy.
Yeah Greg Mohawk is continually putting out awesome lineups for cheap dollars.
Our cheap shows probably have a lot to do with how many damn shows we have every night of the week. Owners know they can’t charge much cause we’ll just go somewhere else cheaper or even free.