New Tunes from Perfume Genius

Seattle’s Perfume Genius is a little bit mysterious.  His website doesn’t give a lot of background info, nor is their much on the gent as publicity goes, but his latest single, “Mr. Petersen” has a lot of promise.  For some reason, I feel as if he’s channeling his inner Neil Young, but that could be just wishful thinking on my behalf.  Regardless, if he keeps writing songs like this, he’s sure to make waves. You can hear more from him when his album, Learning, comes out on June 22nd.


Download: Perfume Genius – Mr. Petersen [MP3]

Fang Island @ Emos (5/18)

Date Tuesday, May 18th
Location Emos
Doors 700p
Tickets $10 @ the Door

Not a whole lot has really been said or talked about in regards to Fang Island, of course, that’s if you ignore their glowing review on Pitchfork.  Their combination of guitar hooks with various electronic touches is precisely what you expect a band like this to be.  They’ve got larger than life swinging melodies, gang vocals (which you know are all the rage) and an overabundance of hooks.  Why wouldn’t you want to be there?  You can even catch sets from other bands such as Hollerado, Zlam Dunk and Agent Ribbons.  The best part seems to be that doors open early, so you can catch some great tunes, then head right back home for a decent night’s sleep. So you really have no excuse.


Download: Fang Island – Life Coach [MP3]

A Lull

A Lull is a relatively new band from Chicago that have been getting some spins around the ATH offices as of late.  They take the few parts of Animal Collective that I can actually stand (zing!) and mix it in with some parts Yeasayer/The XX.  The band is currently promoting their new 7″ single “Weapons for War/Spread it All Around” which can be downloaded for free or ordered in physical form on their website.  Have a listen to their latest single below and lemme know what you think.  When that beat comes in, you gotta bob yo head.


Download: A Lull – Weapons For War [MP3]

LCD Soundsystem – This Is Happening

Rating: ★★½☆☆

It’s really hard to imagine the 00s without James Murphy.  Whether he was bringing Daft Punk to your house, or whether he was manning the boards for someone else, it seems like Murphy was always around.  Now we come to what he is calling the swan song for LCD Soundsystem, This Is Happening.  Will it be enough to leave us with lasting memories of fondness, or will we turn towards indifference as his star begins to fade on the horizon.

“Dance Yrself Clean” begins the record, and while it could be a whole lot stronger, this isn’t the worst way to begin the new album. It begins with just some minimal percussive elements, which go on for what seems like an eternity, while lyrics are sort of spoken, as opposed to sung.  At the 3 minute mark, the song turns into a club banger.  While you can appreciate the development of sonic textures that Murphy has placed emphasis on with his last two album, one can’t help but feel that getting straight to the point would have left the record to start with one of his best complete tracks.

You jump right into the single from there with “Drunk Girls,” which sort of seems like a haphazard song.  The beats seem reminiscent of songs past, while the lyrics don’t really offer too much, no matter how many drunk girls you claim to know.   And from there you go on to “One Touch;” yet another song that doesn’t do a whole lot to further Murphy’s credentials in the musical annals of time.  Sure, showing the masses you can make a dance song go for 8 minutes is something to tip your hat to, if the song doesn’t do too much, it all seems irrelevant, and such is the case here.

But, then LCD Soundsystem takes you for an entirely different ride.  “All I Want” doesn’t seem to far of a stretch from some of the more exploratory tracks on Sound of Silver, and you can really find yourself sliding inside this song despite a the length and a touch of redundancy. “I Can Change” follows suit with a bit more exploration, and even pushes the dancier side of the things.  Murphy’s vocals don’t come off in that shouting chant he’s usually known to release, and it creates a joyous song that brings back the nostalgia of bands like Depeche Mode and OMD.

Then, he takes a U-turn, and sort of goes back on the promise of the last two tracks.  “You Wanted a Hit” has some redeeming qualities towards the middle of the song, and while I appreciate his stance on not trying to make hits, choosing instead to follow his own path, I’m not sure he always chooses the best options, especially when he has such quality tracks to offer, as he did in the middle of the This Is Happening. Don’t even get me started on “Pow Pow;” I think I’m owed an extra amount of time in my life just for listening to this track.  Ugh.  “Somebody’s Calling Me” just continues the downward slide from there.  It just seems like he could have done so more, and at time, the song just sounds like even James himself was bored with writing it.  Then again, that just might be personal taste.

Then he comes back with “Home” to close out the album.  It has a bit more of a singing vocal here, and the beat has this underlying hook that sucks you back into the album.  If you add the length of the song, you can clearly see what kind of dance party ensues here, and that’s precisely what you wanted from This Is Happening.  Unfortunately, the brightest spots on this record don’t really break through the inadequacies of the rest of the tracks.  Personally, it seems like such a shame, as the last decade wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun without having LCD Soundsystem in our lives, and perhaps this is why he’s walking away, as James Murphy hasn’t convinced anyone with this effort that his heart is still in it.


Download: LCD Soundsystem – I Can Change [MP3]

Besnard Lakes @ Mohawk (5/18)

Date 5/18/10
Location Mohawk
Doors 7pm
Tickets $10 @ Frontgate

Hot up and coming buzz band Besnard Lakes are coming down to Austin at The Mohawk on Tuesday night.  The indie band will be joined on the stage by Stardeath & White Dwarfs, and locals The Boxing Lesson.  Stick around late as well for a CD release show on the inside stage by Leatherbag.  Do it to it.


Download: Besnard Lakes – Albatross [MP3]

Horse Feathers On Daytrotter

One of my personal favorite bands Horse Feathers made an appearance on the famed Daytrotter website yesterday.  This session is just down right sick.  Not only do we have 8 songs for download, but we’ve also got a tasty unreleased song called “Orphan Girl”.  You won’t want to miss out on this action.


Download: Horse Feathers – Orphan Girl(live) [MP3]

FT5: Pop Artists That Shouldn’t Be On the Airwaves

Our ears and minds are usually unwilling to listen to logic when it comes to pop music on the radio airwaves. Despite the combination of dim lyrics and catchy tracks that make it to Billboard’s Top 100, there are a handful of artists that do not deserve to be in the music industry. Pop music on the radio isn’t what it used to be. Being in radio for years, I occasionally unplug my iPod and check out local stations to see what’s going on. The following are current pop artists that shouldn’t be on the airwaves, which includes every track they’ve ever created.
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Caribou @ Emos (5/16)

Date Sunday, May 16th
Location Emos
Doors 900p
Tickets $15 from TicketWeb

For those of you into collage music, and we know there are many of you out there, you’ve got to be salivating at Sunday night’s show over at Emos.  First, you get to share a night with the very exciting Toro y Moi, which everyone loves more than Sleigh Bells (that’s saying a lot).  Then, to close off your night, you get to let Caribou close out your night with a spectacular blend of electronica and pop melodies.  He’ll probably play a great deal of material off his recent album, Swim. Sure, the show probably fits better as music for your Sunday morning, but why not wind down a glorious weekend of fun by closing the curtains at Emos?  Exactly, we’ll see you there.


Download: Caribou – Found Out [MP3]

New Tunes from Miniature Tigers

The Gum just tossed this Miniature Tigers song up this morning, and I’ve been rocking to it ever since then.  The great thing is that it was produced by adopted Austin artist Alan Palomo of Neon Indian fame.  It sort of reminds me of something along the lines of an electronic version of Human Highway.  Basically, that means it rules.  This jam is set to come out on the group’s album Fortress, which hits stores July 27th.


Download: Miniature Tigers – Gold Skulls [MP3]

New Tunes from Math and Physics Club

Seattle is usually known for a harder edge sound, perhaps even with a blend of hippy in there somewhere, so its no surprise that Math and Physics Club haven’t gotten too much attention out that way.  Luckily, we’re here to set things straight, as their breezy pop jams always bring a ray of light into our days (not to mention a little good-hearted nerdiness).  The band has a new album titled I Shouldn’t Look as Good as I Do, and it will be released on June 12th by my favorite label Matinee Records.  Enjoy the sun.


Download: Math and Physics Club – Jimmy Had a Poloaroid [MP3]

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