SXSW Interview: She Sir

So we here at ATH are continuing on with our coverage of SXSW with a bit of a focus on a couple of our favorite local bands.  Today we’ll take a quick look at up and comers in the Austin scene She Sir.  Leading man and founding member Russell Karloff was nice enough to answer a few of our prying questions via email about his band.  Follow the jump for his answers.

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More New Music From The Dodos

So I’m a bit late on posting this other new song from the Dodos new album, but I don’t really care as it is growing into one of my favorites of the year.  If you haven’t heard the track elsewhere yet, it’s called “Don’t Stop” and is featured on the new Dodo’s album Color. You’ll be able to get your hands on that one during your trip to Waterloo during SXSW on March 15th via Frenchkiss Records.  I’m seriously not sure how I’m gonna handle this busy ass spring.


Download: The Dodos – Dont Stop [MP3]

Show Preview: White White Lights @ Red 7 (3/5)

Date 3/5/11
Location Red 7
Doors 9pm
Tickets $6 @ Door

 A great show is going down Saturday night at Red 7 with some of the best talent this little town has to offer.  Your stacked lineup of up and comers includes The White White Lights, She Sir, A Tiger Named Lovesick, and recent ATH favorite Milk Thistle.  All of these bands could be thrown into the favorites of Austin Town Hall bag.  We recommend that you don’t miss this chance to see these bands, as I’m sure they’ll be playing to larger crowds soon.


Download: White White Lights – It’s Cold Here In Japan [MP3]

New Music From White Denim

So the nice folks over at RCRD LBL posted a brand spanking new song yesterday from everyone’s favorite Austin band White Denim.  The track is called “Drugs” and appears on the bands upcoming and highly anticipated new album D. You fans will be able to get your hands on the new joint from these Austin boys on May 24th via Downtown records.


Download: White Denim – Drug [MP3]

Show Preview: The Walkmen @ Stubbs (3/4)

Date 3/4/11
Location Stubbs
Doors 7pm
Tickets $18 @ Frontgate

A night that many of us have been looking forward to for quite some time has finally come with the Walkmen show at Stubbs on Friday night.  Opening support for the night will be provided by The Head and The Heart and Austin’s very own up and comers TV Torso.  Making the night even more enticing is a set by friends of ATH Whitman on the inside stage immediately after the Walkmen finish up outside.  More good news is that you’ll get in free to the Whitman show with a wristband from the outside show.  Make a night of it people.


Download: The Walkmen – Stranded [MP3]

La Sera – s/t

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Known for her bass playing in pop punk super star band Vivian Girls, Katy Goodman has been looking for side projects since spring of last year. She tried her ways under the moniker of All Saints Day, and even released a seven inch. However, it apparently didn’t stick, and Ms. Goodman moved onto her latest project. Enter: La Sera.

 Like Vivian Girls, La Sera has those cutting guitars and the presence of Goodman’s wispy vocals. However, while her voice takes a backseat on her full time band, it is the main element of distinction to this album. On “Beating Heart,” the opening song, her voice is layered upon itself to create echoed sugared oohs in the background. The clear guitar contrasts with this vocal quality, and builds up to the breaking point of the song. This is when the clarity of the guitar shifts muddier, wrapping up the bubbly lo-fi track before its close. Next is “Never Come Around,” one of the singles from the album. Some tambourine spices things up right off the bat, mixing effortlessly with sunny vocals and thus the airy yet viscous song—the norm for this album.

I think what makes this album decent is that Goodman knows her limitations; most of the songs barely reach two minutes, which sharpens the difference in between them, so that the listener doesn’t get caught up in the thick and sticky jangly songs that this album is chalked full of. In this way, the album is able to have those crests and troughs, all while staying close to that happy medium. It doesn’t become too complex for its own good and frankly none of the songs are what I would call bad or boring.

While its shortness is what makes La Sera, it also seems to be what breaks it. When reaching the end of this quick burst of energy album, it’s fairly easy to forget the latter part. The simplicity of the whole thing turns on itself, and suddenly it’s over, and you haven’t really been taken anywhere: like running on a treadmill. Slight fluctuations were present, the songs varied, but there was never that pop punk power punch that knocked your socks off and left you satisfied.

All in all, it’s still a pretty good way to spend thirty minutes of your life. Goodman hypnotizes you with her serene pop/lo-fi tunes, as any good jangly guitar album should.


Download: La Sera – Devil’s Hearts Grow Gold [MP3]

More New Music From Craft Spells

Not long ago, our very own Mr. Lankford shared a sweet new track from up and coming Captured Tracks band Craft Spells.  Well now the band has given us another new track called “You Should Close the Door” that I’ve immediately taken a liking to.  The number has a sweet backing beat behind it with pop sensibilities reminiscent of several ATH favorites like POBAH or The Drums.  I can’t seem to get enough of this shit.


Download: Craft Spells – You Should Close the Door [MP3]

SXSW Interviews: The Great Nostalgic

Make no mistake about it, The Great Nostalgic are easily one of our favorite up and coming local bands.  What with an appearance on our album’s of the year list in 2009, labeled as Austin album of the year, and major exposure here, it’s easy to see we dig their music.  In our quest to let the world know more about TGN, we recently sat down with leading man and primary songwriter Abram Shook to discuss the current state of his band.  You’ll be happy to hear that they are still going strong and getting ready to release their sophomore LP on the world.  Follow the jump for more.

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New Music from German Measles

Yesterday we brought you a little bit of punk rock from the up-and-coming label Krazy Punx, and we’ve got yet another exciting band from the label to hit you with.  This time up, we’ve got NY’s German Measles.  This single is definitely worthy of sing-a-long moments, not to mention the rest of their new LP, A German Joke is No Laughing Matter.  I’ve had a blast listening to this record all weekend, just bopping along, making sure I knew I could sing every word they’ve got, and I’m sure you’ll do the same once you get a hold of this track by the band.  Go ahead, give it a listen, press repeat, and sing along.


Download: German Measles – It’s Me Babe [MP3]

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