New Track from Kids on a Crime Spree

There’s a really long back-story that goes into the foundation of Kids on a Crime Spree, starting somewhere back in Stockholm with Mario Hernandez then eventually leading him all the way back to California where he grabbed his old friends from From Bubblegum to Sky, and captured a set of tracks that’s sure to win over loads of fans around the Internet.  The band is set to release their EP, We Love You So Bad, on Slumberland Records on May 31st.  While it does partly fit in the vein of that labels standards, there’s a hint of something different, leading you to uncover the grand history of American music, one that began back in the Brill Building.  Gives this song a try, and you’ll find yourself looking forward to the release just as much as we are.


Download: Kids On A Crime Spree – Sweet Tooth [MP3]

Colourmusic – My _____ is Pink

Rating: ★★★★☆

Having one of your key contributors stuck in England due to VISA restrictions isn’t ideal for any band, but in the case of Colourmusic, it seems that this unfortunate tragedy led to an entirely different beast.  While their first effort circled around pop hooks with epic jams, this new piece is a fierce animal, forging new ground for the band, making My ____ is Pink their best collection of songs to date.

If there was any question as to what type of album this would be now that the band are primarily a three-piece, “Beard” sets the record straight just a few seconds into the track.  Scuzzy bass blasts straight into your ears, while singer Ryan Hendrix hauntingly wails in the background.  It’s an about face for a band that once dominated the music scene with their theatrics, and clever hooks. My ___ is Pink is in your face all the time.

Despite it’s grittier feel from the get go, don’t think that Colourmusic have released their grasp on playing with pop structuralism.  “Feels Good to Wear” has the group toying with space, letting atmospheric elements ring out, while the bass bubbles in from time to time, and drummer Nicholas Ley keeps everything tight and steady.  Similarly, “Dolphins and Unicorns” uses the band’s playfulness, in both title and craftsmanship, to get a bit funky, twisting out what one can assume is a little pedal work from Hendrix on guitar, and Ley again working the percussion like very few can. Clearly, the band aren’t messing around anymore, as even they’re pop experimentalism is focused.

The meat and potatoes for My ___ is Pink comes perhaps a bit too early, but demonstrates above anything else, that Colourmusic clearly came ready to make a name for themselves. “You For Leaving Me” uses gang vocals and a hint of organ to create this grand emotion, just as Colin F. brings back in that devilish bass line, kicking the song off into some Satanic re-incarnation of the Polyphonic Spree; but it’s not a chorale track, it’s a kick right to your sweet tooth.  From here you jump right into “Tog,” the lead single from the record.  You’ll hear hints of the previous album in Hendrix vocal softly floating atop this track, but Ley’s drumming, as well as the rest of the musicianship give the song a solid backbone. Perhaps one of the greatest elements of this song is the group’s ability to hold back, when easily you can see them letting loose on listeners in a great wall of fury.

You’ll love the epic “The Little Death,” which seemingly serves as a reference point for everything the band holds dear.  There’s hints of industrial music in the opening few minutes, modern avant pop in the vocals, hints of noise-rock and metal, and a nod to knob twiddlers in the end.  While it’s not the finale of My ____ is Pink, it very well serves as a reckoning to listeners, both present and future.  Colourmusic is no longer that cute little band that wrote jam-laden pop tunes, they’re an angry band here to exploit anything and everything they’ve ever loved about music. They’re going to throw it in your face, and the great thing is, your going to see where they’re coming from, know who they are, and you’ll love it, every bit.


Download: Colourmusic – Tog [MP3]

FT5: Bands the Radio Should Ban

Honestly, I’m not a huge connoisseur of the air waves in our nation, but occasionally there are those days when I rush out the door without my iPod and I have to suffer the pain that is radio.  Recently, with my hectic schedule, this has happened more and more, so it left me to ponder why on Earth some bands still get ready play, and more so, some certain songs.  I thought of my top five, and while some are song specific, others just need to leave the airwaves in general.

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New Music from Richard Buckner

I’ve always really enjoyed the work of Richard Buckner, quietly loving his music in my bedroom for countless hours.  We haven’t heard from his since Meadows, which quickly burned out in my CD player, but now Merge is announcing his newest release, Our Blood, which will hit stores August 2nd. If you like things like Bill Callahan, you’re going to love listening to Buckner.  His vocals have such great quality and emotion that he could probably sing without music and I’d be just as enthralled with the idea of a new release as I am with the music attached.   This is going to be something truly special, I can feel it.


Download: Richard Buckner – Traitor [MP3]

New Song from Pat Jordache

Somehow Pat Jordache seems to have escaped my ears, but with the release of his recent album, Future Songs, things are changing in my world, and hopefully his as well.  Pat used to play with Sister Suvi, with one of his former mates going on to help in Tun-e-Yards.  This track has a really deep vocal, but it’s got an odd effect on it, which reminds me of that vocal approach sometimes employed by TV on the Radio.  Intrestingly, the music itself seems to counteract the vocal itself, giving this even more of a feeling of unsteadiness, yet it all works, creating a song that immediately attracts your ears, though you might never figure out why.


Download: Pat Jordache – Get It [MP3]

Future Songs is out now on Constellation Records.

New Music From Tomorrows Tulips

I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me these days, but I just can’t seem to get enough of this garage rock throwback stuff that’s ever so popular right now.  Tomorrows Tulips are another band ready to join the movement and please the ears of ATH RayRay.  The band features vocals by Alex Knost who used to front solid indie-rock band Japanese Motors, and Knost’s girlfriend Christina Keyes.  If you like the new single “Eternally Teenage” found below, you can get your hands on the debut LP from Tomorrows Tulips on June 19th via Galaxia Records.


Download: Tomorrows Tulips – Eternally Teenage [MP3]

New Jam from Thieves Like Us

Man, after a rough couple of days, I needed a jam like this one.  Thieves Like Us are returning with their Your Love Runs Still EP on May 10th, their first effort for killer label Captured Tracks.  After listening to this title track several times, I sort of see this as a less quirky take on what Hot Chip have been doing.  It focuses on the beat and groove, giving your body that needed emotion to swiftly move about the house, but in a much less spastic manner than most dance tracks.  You can definitely see how a song like this will help the band fit right into the stable of great bands on CT.  Well played guys.


Download: Thieves Like Us – Your Love Runs Still [MP3]

New Wet Paint Track

A few years ago I caught wind of this band by checking in on Bloc Party, but don’t let that confuse you, as they sound nothing like the band. Wet Paint have a sound more akin to those who’ve recently been slogging in the muck with early 90s slacker/nerd rock.  Their new record, Woe, should be out this month, and I can’t help but just swoon over these collection of tracks. You can see the past living in their songs, but it’s not overly reminiscent of any band in particular, which gives the band of a punch of originality and freshness. Go back in time with me and enjoy this track folks.


Download: Wet Paint – Gone So Long [MP3]

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