New Jam From PAPA

Been enjoying this new song from called “I am the Lion King” from L.A. based pop outfit PAPA.  The tune features Darren Weiss who drums for indie superstars Girls.  It’s a catchy little tune that appears on the band’s new EP A Good Woman Is Hard To Find due out October 4th on Hit City USA Records.  Enjoy.


Download: PAPA – I Am The Lion King [MP3]

New Slow Burner from Crooked Fingers

Eric Bachmann wrote one of my favorite all-time songs, and I’m sorry to say that it wasn’t while he was working with Archers of Loaf, though they have great tracks as well.  The song was called “Man O’ War,” and you can watch the video (and realize why I love it) HERE. Ever since then, I’ve enjoyed everything he’s done, especially his work with Crooked Fingers; it’s got everything to do with his powerful voice.  The band has a new album, Breaks in the Armor, coming out on Merge on October 11th, and like most things off the Carolina label, it’s going to be stunning. Trust me.


Download: Crooked Fingers – Typhoon [MP3]

New Slacker Jam from Sleeping Bag

I sincerely doubt that the term “slacker” really applies to Sleeping Bag, and I’m sure they’d agree; however, you can’t help but see that unaffected approach to the lyrical delivery.  Still, the guitars are exactly what a lot of us look for, chugging along, somewhere between power-pop and garage rock.  This Indiana group just released their self-titled album, and it’s been a joy just going through these tracks one after another.  Somehow they have this personal affect over me, and it might be nostalgia, but I’m calling it just good tunes. Spin this, and be sure to support these guys if you like what you hear!


Download: Sleeping Bag – Slime [MP3]

New Track (and EP) from Saadi

In my mind, today is a sort of world music day.  We’re fortunate to get lots of stuff from all across the globe, so I was super stoked to get this peppy little number from Syrian-born Saadi.  She’s releasing her new Take It Easy EP, and based on this, it’s going to be sort of a chilled-out good time.  My early opinion is that this single lives somewhere between the sweetness Lily Allen and the club flavor of Santigold.  Clearly it’s meant solely for your musical enjoyment, perhaps even your latest mixtape.  Give it a go, and I’m sure you’ll find a little more bounce in your step.


Download: Saadi – Take It Easy [MP3]

Show Preview: Possessed by Paul James @ Antones (8/25)

Date 8/25/11
Location Antones
Doors 8pm
Tickets $8 @ Ticketfly

Nice show going down this Thursday evening at Antone’s featuring Konrad Wert and his project known as Possessed by Paul James.  Joining Konrad for this gritty country/rock themed show are local groups East Cameron Folkcore and Frank Smith.

In other related news, East Cameron Folkcore singer/founding member Jesse M Moore (formerly of Bankrupt and the Borrowers) is currently promoting his brand new solo record Tall Tells & Modern Lies.  You can hear Jesse’s new record in it’s entirety over on bandcamp or check out new single “Sallie-Mae” below.  It’s a promising song and album from one of Austin’s best underground songwriters.


Download: Jesse M Moore – Sallie-Mae [MP3]

New Music from Pinkunoizu

I suppose the best thing about the Internet is the availability of musicians from around the world, and though I suppose it’s been like that to an extent, you didn’t have access to the smaller bands.  Luckily, we can now, which is how I heard of the new signing of Pinkunoizu by Full Time Hobby.  The Danes are about to ready their Peep EP, and I’ve really enjoyed their song construction today.  It’s similar to the structure of a Fleet Foxes tune, if one were in a field as opposed to a forest, but there’s restraint, allowing for everything to build contiuously.  It works to great effect, so we’ll see where these guys go from here.


Download: Pinkunoizu – Time Is Like a Melody [MP3]

Show Preview: Dntel @ Emo’s (8/23)

Date 8/23/11
Location Emos
Doors 9pm
Tickets $10 @ Ticketweb

Some of us ATH kids need a little help when it comes to the electronic music world, so we’re glad that was have BGray and Wagner around to tell us what’s up.  Apparently the show Tuesday at Emo’s featuring Dntel is the place to be for fans of DJ tunes and electronic pop.  Supporting Dntel are ATH SXSW show alumni One AM Radio and Geotic also on the bill.  We’ll let you know how it goes kids.


Download: Dntel – The Distance [MP3]

Show Pics – The Calm Blue Sea @ Emo’s

It was a four band, all Austin line up that brought a diverse crowd to Emo’s Inside. Each band played a forty-five minute set giving the night a SxSW showcase feel. The show preview covered the when/wheres. The show post-view is that Red Falcon kicked things off, The Clouds Are Ghosts had a record release party, My Education worked out new material and The Calm Blue Sea are back. I enjoyed zoning out behind the camera, catching up with friends I hadn’t seen in a few months and hearing the latest work from all of the bands.

A few thoughts on the bands and plenty of pics after the break.

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New Music from Big Troubles

This band is one of those that I’ve really been jamming to lately, going back to their last record from 2010, and looking forward to the new one they’ll be releasing.  Romantic Comedy, the new record from Big Troubles, will be released by Slumberland on September 27th, and it’s probably going to be a pretty big deal around the ATH offices.  This new track has a bit of that softness that’s often associated with their label, but I hear Jason Quever of Papercuts in the vocals–not a bad thing in my book, by the way.  Should be another good outing from the group.


Download: Big Troubles – Sad Girls [MP3]

The War on Drugs – Slave Ambient

Rating: ★★★★☆

While some may say to ‘never judge a book by its cover,’ I will forever judge an album by its artwork, or at least base my idea of what the band behind the cover art would possibly sound like. Sometimes, this theory proves faulty and none of the visual clues match up with the sound. Others, however, like with this release, fit perfectly; the ethereal pinks and purples mixed with the overall fuzziness match the lush waves of guitars and hazy pop/rock sounds of The War On Drugs.

The first track, “Best Night,” is one that should blow you away, as it did to me. Upon listening the first time, I was pleased with it, but after repeated listens, it began to grow to something much more. Soft, muted drums echo demurely in the background, easing into the meandering guitar parts until the scraggly vocals of Adam Granduciel chime in and you’re instantly hooked. Steady guitars feel confident and omnipresent, creating a flowing wall of background sound that is always buzzing in your ears. It’s a killer track to begin with, but then The War on Drugs throws in some extra minute details that just sets this above most common tracks; there’s something about the way the guitar part matches the little stretch out of a word that has me swooning over this track. To top it all off, the song transitions to the next with a sensational instrumental groove that is sure to have you grooving along with each riff.

Even though the first track is a big deal in itself, the rest of the album is nothing to turn your nose up at.  There isn’t a song that you’ll want to skip, and there are certainly more to treasure than just “Best Night.” “Come to the City” is a four minute and thirty second drum-driven party number, complete with buzzy guitar break. “Blackwater,“ the ending track, loses the drums for the most part, and takes a leaf out of the acoustic book, allowing you to appreciate the strength in such a powerful voice. Unifying all these great numbers is some stellar songwriting and the thematic waves of serenity.

When comparing this band to others, names like Bob Dylan and Springsteen tend to crop up, leaving big shoes to fill. However, it seems like this band has taken comparisons like these in their stride and not looking back. While this may not be a revolutionary album, filled with a dramatic and entirely unique sound, Slave Ambient is still a constant and confident effort from The War On Drugs.

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