New Gem from Ramesh (formerly of Voxtrot)

I wondered what happened to Ramesh, formerly of Voxtrot.  Personally, his songwriting was always really affecting, so I am glad to see he’s getting back out there.  Floating around the Internet is his EP 1, which you can stream right HERE for your own listening pleasure.  It’s still got that soft quality of pop that you came to expect from his old group.  Not sure if he’s still writing from Austin, but I’m going to claim him as one of our own, as we need all the good musicians we can get.  Best of luck to Ramesh as he gets back out there in the music world.


Download: RAMESH – The King

Show Preview: Colour Revolt @ Emo’s (9/29)

Date 9/29/11
Location Emos
Doors 9pm
Tickets $10 @ Ticketweb

It is a very busy weekend for shows in Austin ladies gentlemen, very busy indeed.  Prior to the official start of the weekend, you have some tough choices to make on Thursday night and the show at Emo’s headlined by Colour Revolt should definitely be on your radar.  We are of course more excited for our boyfriends in the supporting band Colourmusic.  I hear those guys know how to rock and stuff.  Opening support on the night is provided by Dignan.


Download: Colour Revolt – Naked and Red [MP3]

Quiet Company – We Are All Where We Belong

Rating: ★★★½☆

If you’ve lived in Austin for any amount of time and paid any attention at all, I think it is safe to say you ought have heard of Quiet Company. You may not have listened to their entire discography, but I’m sure the name rings some sort of bell. If you don’t live in Austin, and haven’t heard of this band before…get on it! Time is-a-wastin’. You already have three full-length studio albums to catch up on, and now you have another: We Are All Where We Belong makes four full indie-rock albums to divulge your senses upon.

In comparison to those other albums, this most recent one seems to be the most hook laden. On the first track, “The Confessor,” you get the mellow vocals of Taylor Muse meandering in until the song is more than halfway over, in which some piano bounces up the rhythm and kicks it out of the intro-phase and straight into the jamming. For first song, it is a good indicator of what this album is going to be as well as a good cleansing start for the band. On the next song, “You Me & The Boatman,” keeps things kicking and I’m reminded vocally and musically of early Motion City Soundtrack, but perhaps that’s just me. There is a steady interest maintained.

Five songs in, you get to one of the tastiest jams on here, which also just happens to be the band’s single from this album, “Fear & Fallacy, Sitting in a Tree.” The beginning of the four-minute track is quiet, but some pounding drums help build up the song to the explosive, gang vocal finish, complete with crashing cymbals and even some horn work. “Are You a Mirror,” the song directly following, reminds me a lot of The Decemberists.’ You have the ever-present acoustic guitar and those musical breakdowns with more horns; it’s the kind of music that makes you smile because of the lushness of its sound. Before this song ends, you get the repeated words of the chorus layered over a beat that allows the song to fade to the next flawlessly.

All in all, these fifteen tracks, for the most part, are pretty darn good. You may need to give it a few listens before you’re able to navigate through the jungle of indie-rock to find your favorites, but this is not grueling task, as all of the songs are listenable as well as a testament to local pride. Keep on Keepin’ on Quiet Company.


Download: Quiet Company – Fear & Fallacy, Sitting in a Tree [MP3]

New Single from Forbidden Friends (Hutch of the Thermals)

As a long time fan of the Thermals, I’ll always be dedicated to anything that’s associated with the band.  Luckily for me, and for you as well, Hutch never really writes a bad song.  His new solo project, Forbidden Friends just released a the new Totally Low 7″ on Kill Rock Stars, and it’s been playing on my turntable all night long.  It might not have the sharp edge of the Thermals, but you can hear the backbone in there.  His voice is always has a special place in my heart, which is perhaps the reason why I’m so attracted to the simplicity he’s revealed with this new project.  Go get your hands on the single today!


Download: Forbidden Friends – Totally_Low [MP3]

More New Music From PAPA

Here’s another new sweet jam from Darren Weiss of Girls and his new project known as PAPA.  The song is called “Aint It So” and appears on the band’s new EP A Good Woman is Hard to Find which is due out October 4th on Hit City USA Records.  This comes after we shared new song with you “I Am the Lion King” a few weeks ago.  Stay tuned to more from this promising up and coming group.


Download: PAPA – Ain’t It So [MP3]

More New Music from Gringo Star

One of the Atlanta bands I’m really excited about this year is Gringo Star.  They’re prepping the release of their new album, Count Yer Lucky Stars, and it’s got me salivating already.  When the record hits stores via Gigantic Music on October 25th, you can expect to find energy fueled pop tracks wrapped in a gritty little shell of garage nostalgia.  While Atlanta has a slew of bands giving out some power-pop/punk rock jams, this feels more like a California psych rocker, and you know that’s a good thing in our book.  Get familiar now folks, as this band’s about to take off.


Gringo Star – Count Yer Lucky Stars [MP3]

Show Preview: Quiet Company w/ ATH DJ Set @ The ND (9/30)

Date 9/30/11
Location The ND
Doors 8pm
Tickets $10 via Quiet Company

When one is asked about local music in the indie Austin scene, most people will initially cite Quiet Company as one of the hottest up and comers in town.  The guys have been making a name for themselves for several years now and are continuing to work hard to build their rep.  This Friday, the band has put together one hell of a local lineup at The ND to celebrate the release of their new album We Are All Where We Belong.  QC are of course headlining, but let’s not forget about the stacked undercard of this show with ATH amigos Whitman, Saints of Valory and Black Books all on the bill.  If you were wanting to see the best and brightest this town has to offer, this is the place to do it kids.  Quiet Company have also put together all sorts of crazy ticket packages on their website with a variety of goodies thrown in depending on how much you want to spend

Also of interest to you kids, the ATH crew will be on hand DJing in the recently opened North Door (back bar of ND) between bands and before and after the show.  Come say hello and check out some sweet tunes when you aren’t rocking out.  We’ll be trying out some new KTTD and *$. remixes of course…

This is where you should be Friday night.  Bottom line.


Download: Quiet Company – Fear & Fallacy, Sitting in a Tree [MP3]

Wilco – The Whole Love

Rating: ★★★½☆

After a string of moderately received albums, many wondered if The Whole Love would be the record where Wilco return to form.  If you ask long time fans, you might get some skepticism, but by and large, this is probably one of the most enjoyable listens for the band since the days of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

“Art of Almost” opens with bits of sporadic noise gurgling through your speakers.  For those familiar with Wilco‘s foray into bits of experimental Americana, this might seem like a throwback.  Instead, light string arrangements open up to Tweedy’s voice, with him sounding as confident as he’s sounded in years. There’s an open density to this song, and the band does a decent job of filling in the spaces, though some editing might have been sufficient.

“I Might” demonstrates the great strides the band has made since their beginning, with a bit of a stomp pushing the number forward.  It’s about as far away from their early days as one could get, but if you can’t enjoy Jeff’s delivery during the chorus, then you might want to get your ears checked. Similarly, “Dawned on Me” has a very modern feel, with a an emphatic bit of bounce meeting up with guitar bits that slice through the steady melody of the track.  For all their soft moments on the last two records, The Whole Love seems to show a revitalized group just kicking out solid numbers.

While a great bit of the record focus on these decent pop numbers, there’s a bit of casual warmth that breaks up the possible monotony that listeners see coming.  “Open Mind” is about as slow a track as you’ll find from Wilco on this outing, and its got the powerful Tweedy owning the song, with a gentle slide guitar riding in the background.  Admittedly, its far from spectacular, but it serves a great purpose breaking up the pacing just enough to allow a bit of a breather for the record.  It’s a tactic the band use well, and they go at it again with “Red Rising Lung,” which follows the rocker “Standing O,” in so much as the band give us an all out rocker.

One of the interesting things about listening to The Whole Love is that there seems to be an odd sense of comfort in the band’s songwriting.  After several albums, and several more, Wilco seems intent on just enjoying the process of writing a good song. It’s not a record that breaks new ground or challenges record labels, but it’s full of great songs that you can go back to time and time again, each instance finding yourself a new favorite track. It all makes for one of the better listens in the band’s recent catalog.


Download: Wilco – I Might [MP3]

New Music Mike Quinn

Hailing from Scranton, PA, yes THAT Scranton, Mike Quinn has been involved in his local music scene in various bands for quite sometime now.  I am not terribly familiar with the guy, but I sure do enjoy this new twangy tune called “Reforming” and it’s honest approach to songwriting and storytelling.  Quinn has been hard at work in his home studio recording his new album Magico that is out now.  If you dig what you hear, check out the whole album in streaming form via Mike’s bandcamp site.


Download: Mike Quinn – Reforming [MP3]

Twin Sister – In Heaven

Rating: ★★★½☆

Hailing from Long Island, New York, Twin Sister is a primarily chillwave, but also pop band who, according to their website, recorded this album in a rented house during the off season in the Hamptons. Filled with shadows of longing for summer days, In Heaven is solid electro-pop album that serves as a transition from summer into those crisp fall days, or rather, if you live here in Austin, from uncomfortably hot to just hot.

In Heaven packs a punch in the beginning portion of their album. The first song is “Daniel,” which starts with some eerily calm xylophonic sounds that are joined by mechanical sounding drums, which gives the song it’s pick up into dream pop from simple electronic noises. Andrea Estella chimes in with her angelic falsetto vocals that coat the song in a buttery warmth that juxtaposes with the electronic hard that the instruments bring. “Stop,” follows, which jumps right into its groove with the male voice of Eric Cardona leading the way. For a track that doesn’t go very far in four minutes, you would think the sound would get overbearing quickly, but it simmers reasonably groovy for its duration; the dual vocals serving as some kind of cooling agent to counteract the spice of the jam.

Highlights later on come in the form of short little songs like, “Gene Ciampi,” whose prevalent guitar parts move the sound closer to the plain pop as opposed to the computer generated sounds. This track is propelled by the natural guitar, which shows the musical variety that this band is able to pull off. It isn’t an album of all one note. Rather, each song fits with another, but takes liberties from the track before it. Another example of this is apparent on the last track, “Eastern Green,” which builds slowly over the course of four minutes. It breaks from this climax at about three minutes, and gives the album a delightfully soft close, devoid of those harsher elements that were at the beginning.

As far as electro-pop/chillwave goes, In Heaven is a good balance of atmosphere and presence. Due to the production on this album, the vocals are the central focus, allowing listeners to grasp onto something memorable. For this reasons, Twin Sister has got something really going for them. You are sure to find one or two, or maybe even more songs that strike your fancy here.

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