Great New Track from The Wedding Present

As a music nerd, I’ll admit that my musical favorites always change. You know, the old Top 5 question, well, I change mine, but one constant that I swear will never go away is The Wedding Present and David Gedge.  His lyrical prowess always fascinates me, and I can’t say enough about his guitar playing.  We’re fortunate enough to offer up a nice stream of a new Wedding Present track from their upcoming album Valentina, which will hit stores in the US on March 20th.  One listen to this track and you’ll probably have to go check out the other 7 albums the band’s put out (not to mention Cinerama). They’ll also be playing SXSW this year, so be on the lookout. Going to be a great year for these guys–hope they bring vinyl.



Show Pics: A Lull @ The Mohawk (1/30)

Yeah, I went out in crap weather on a Monday night to see some bands. Fine, I feel you judging me.

It was an inside show at Mohawk that featured A Lull. They had Deleted Scenes and Tape Deck Mountain opening. It was fun to open up the big 50 and catch slices of the show.

The night had building complexity, building layers. The bands broadcast intelligent, well-crafted music. Click that read more link over there for some show notes and plenty of pics…
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ATH Council Meeting @ the North Door (This Friday!!!)

It’s that time again; time for your favorite local DJs to play the hits all night long!  We’ll be gathering with our friends over at the North Door on Friday night to dance, sing and have an all out good time.  Pretty sure you’ll enjoy at least half the songs we’ll play, and if not, then you can at least enjoy the excellent beverages and the tasty grub from Tamale Molly.  We’ll start kicking things off around 8, and I’m sure we’ll be throwing down until close, or later.  Oh, and if you’re a fan of the site and live in Austin, you need to be there to help us celebrate our writer RayRay’s 29th birthday. He only has one more year until he’s officially old, so let’s start him off the right way.


Download: The Exploding Hearts – You’re Black and Blue [MP3]

Mellow Jam from Leland Sundries

It’s been a slow week for the heavier set of rock n’ roll, but when you get tracks like this new one from Leland Sundries, you can’t really complain.  This Brooklyn group is set to release their The Foundry EP on February 21st, and we’ll be lucky if it all sounds as delicious as this jam.  For the most part, the music is subdued, gently strummed guitar, but the vocal style has a relaxed approach that recalls, for me, a calmed Stephen Malkmus.  Let’s hope this band gets the respect they clearly reserve as their EP hits the streets.


Download:Leland Sundries – Apparition [MP3]

Hospitality – s/t

Rating: ★★★★☆

January has come and gone, and there have been some decent releases of the New Year already, but as for classic indie-pop, this is by far the most playful album yet. You have all the elements that tend to work for indie; the whimsical yet grounded tone, the combination of slow beats that still manage to grab your attention, and of course the fast past and downright fun numbers. Hospitality, a three part, but by no means a small part band, brings it to you hard on this self-titled debut.

For starters, there isn’t really a bad song on this album. When you listen to it, from start to finish, every twist and turn will have you anticipating the next corner, the next direction you’re heading. Take “Friends of Friends,” the second song and single for the album, is all about the build to this fun climax of poppy goodness. You begin with a simple guitar line, guttural and garage-y, add in the percussive odds and ends, and finally layer Amber Papini’s sassy and earnest vocals over the top and you get this song that just crawls along at its own beat; it feels like a series of images strung together in a montage. Then, on the very next song, you get a smoothly blended sound in “Betty Wang.” The acoustic strumming and Papini’s never ending lyrics that run together and

But the treats don’t just come early on Hospitality; this Brooklyn trio keeps their hold on you to the very end, throwing in monumental tracks like “Argonauts.” The longest song on the album, at a little over five minutes, pushes together the success of the two songs I’ve already mentioned, bringing you a cohesive, yet piece-y number that relies on the jangly percussion to be its backbone. And if that is the backbone, then the vocals are the highlights. Here, Papini is backed by some male vocals that juxtapose with her delicate playfulness and keep it from soaring too whimsically. Grounded, this song explores a melancholy tone that can be found buried beneath the layers of fun that runs through the work.

What keeps these excellent songs from running together, and what keeps the rest of the songs from running together for Hospitality is the variation in length of tracks as well as their style. Not only do you have creative and exciting songs, they are given their best opportunity to shine amidst their album mates—and isn’t that what every album should long to be?


Download: Hospitality – Friends Of Friends [MP3]

New Music From Mesita

Austin musician, by way of Colorado, James Cooley just sent us this new tune called “Out For Blood” recorded under his moniker Mesita.  It’s sort of this folky pop number similar to something that might be birthed if Menomena and Peter Wolf Crier had an illegitimate child together.  If you’re not into the whole bastard child reference, have a listen below and form your own opinion.  The song appears on a new album entitled Coyote which does not yet have a firm release date.


Download: Mesita – Out For Blood [MP3]

Dreamy New Jam from Bishop Morocco

You’ve always got to keep a close eye on the Canucks at Arts and Crafts, as they always discover some real gems that they wish to spread across the globe. They’ve just announced the signing of Bishop Morocco, and they’ll be releasing the band’s Old Boys EP on March 13th. It’s interesting that this came out this week, as it follows closely in the line of The Mary Onettes track I posted earlier this week.  It’s got a certain softness to it that strikes at the heart of listeners, and the electronic touches play upon the recent upswing in bedroom recordings.  Based on what I’m hearing here, I’ll be jamming to this EP quite a bit.


Download:Bishop Morocco – Old Boys [MP3]

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