Killer Pop Tunes from Zebra Hunt

You’ve gotta depend on your Internet friends when it comes to discovering the scene across the country, so I’m glad Toby over at Finest Kiss in Seattle turned me onto this band Zebra Hunt. The three-piece outright definitely has some Oceanic hints in their works, but I also see a modern bent in the recording process, allowing for the central melody to really burst through here. They’ve got a short little EP that you can download for free over at their BANDCAMP page, and I promise you’ll be spending the rest of your day listening to these three gems.  Have fun here folks.


Download:Zebra Hunt – Half Right [MP3]

Chilled Tune from New Animal

I’m always down to help represent for our friend Rob over at Old Flame Records.  He’s just released this new single from Atlanta’s New Animal, and I’m really digging this lead single.  For a duo, it’s got a real dense feeling to it, with multiple layers, both instrumentally and vocally.  As the song slowly unfolds, the two pile upon more sounds, creating a rather interesting pop collage.  If you like what you hear, you can grab the single from Old Flame, or you can wait a bit, as they plan to release a limited edition tape soon.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview + Interview: Fergus and Geronimo

What? You don’t have your own copy of Funky Was the State of Affairs yet? What are you waiting for? It’s one of the most interesting listens of the year, and the band makes their way into Austin at Beerland on Friday night, ready to share their talents with us all. We caught up with the band trying to get the story on their life and their latest release.

ATH:  On Funky Was the State of Affairs you seemingly steer clear of the folk art rock spectrum you were lumped into on the first release.  Was the progression natural or did you actively seek to distance yourself from your past?

F&G: Interesting, because I also saw the folk rock comparison being drawn. I don’t get it. But to answer your question, it’s both.  This band started as friends making music pretty randomly; without too much thought given to cohesion or style. Our first output was really just a collection of songs that didn’t fit with our bands at the time. Both of us are fairly prolific songwriters. When it came time to do the first Lp we had the opportunity to define the bands identity a bit. We were already tired of being lumped into the indie/garage/lo-fi labels that were popular at the time. Music is so much more fun when you stop trying to please others and just do what you’re gonna do. Fergus & Geronimo is a good outlet for me to be a bit more daring than I am in my other bands.

ATH:  Thematically speaking, what’s the most important aspect of the new record you hope people take away after listening? Do you feel that message is being well received by the regular earthlings such as myself, or have we missed the point?

F&G: I don’t really want to make any suggestions about what the audience should take away from the record. Let them glean what they will, because at this point I’m not sure if I even intended any narrative for it. I definitely don’t think its a record for everybody. I mean, there is a reason that this band isn’t headlining festivals, we can only survive in the very small margins of independent rock music that we do. Music is not a universal language, thank god.

ATH:  I think I unjustly lumped you in with bands like White Denim when you first burst onto the Texas scene.  Who do you guys see as your musical contemporaries, be them past or present?

F&G: I identify with bands that are fiercely individualistic. Funkadelic, Sparks, Devo, Quintron, Beck. I’ve never heard White Denim. 

ATH:  When bands create a piece of work like Funky…. I always wonder whether or not the group is taking a jab at listeners.  Do you guys feel like there’s any relevance to that comment, or did you set out just to create a record where you could have the most fun in the studio?

F&G: Yeah I think by nature we Are slightly confrontational.  But, most of the art I enjoy is cut with a healthy dose of aggression. I can feel how somebody might feel alienated by this record and deem it as being tedious. But, that happens all the time, people ask that artists understand them rather than seeking to understand their art.

ATH:  Do you guys feel like you’re appreciated in Texas, or do you have a bigger response from audiences outside of your home state?  I always feel like Texans have a tendency to look the other way until their bands make a bigger name for themselves.

F&G: As much there as anywhere else I suppose, I haven’t noticed any place that has more F&G fans than others really.  I would say our biggest fans are our close friends, many of which are in Texas.

ATH:  If there’s a statement song on Funky Was the State of Affairs, one where you establish the mood/theme/etc for the whole record, which track do you think that is?

F&G: I think it would be the titular track.

ATH: You guys are obviously in the midst of a good long tour.  What’s the one thing you miss the most about being in the comfort of your own home?

F&G: Well it’s only day three so I haven’t really started missing anything yet.  I’m sure the answer for me is alone time.

ATH:  What advice do you have for all the young upstart bands in Texas?  What should their goals be?

F&G: Just do your thing And have fun. Freak life is a beautiful thing, embrace it.

If you like what you hear, you can catch Fergus and Geronimo rocking things out Friday night at Beerland.  Thanks to J. Baxter for help setting up the interview! Pick up Funky Was the State of Affairs now at Hardly Art.


Download:Fergus & Geronimo – RomanTick [MP3]

Mellow Folk From Neil Halstead

Sometimes I can use a bit of a break from the usual catchy pop tune or punk  jam that we seem to bring day in and day out. Hopefully this new song “Digging Shelters” from Neil Halstead will mix things up a bit and provide a sort of calming influence on those of you stressed out during the early part of this week.  It really is a soothing tune that is beautifully written as a slow ballad to ease your ear drums.  A new album from Neil, Palindrome Hunches, will be coming on November 5th via Sonic Cathedral Recordings.


Download: Neil Halstead – Digging Shelters [MP3]

Show Preview: Tanlines @ Red7 (8/30)

Date Wednesday, August 30th
Location Red 7
Doors 900 pm
Tickets Your friend that can’t go.

It’s sold out. Sorry. It is my fault. I hyped their album as one of the best of the year, so far. I didn’t know that would mean you couldn’t buy tix at the door. Tanlines is gonna lay down some Brooklyn Electro jams Thursday night. Love Inks and Learning Secrets will open.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Divine Fits – A Thing Called the Divine Fits

Rating: ★★★½☆

When there is a collision of famous indie artists, it’s not really an exaggeration to say that the internet world blows up a bit. So a few months back when this project between Indie darlings Dan Boekner, Britt Daniels, Sam Brown and Alex Fischel came to the surface everyone was abuzz with excitement for their debut album. As a fan of Spoon and Wolf Parade/Handsome Furs, the main projects of which Daniels and Boekner are frontmen, I jumped right on the excited bandwagon. How could this much creative genius combine to equal something less than amazing?

First up on the album is the much hyped single “My Love is Real,” which features Boekner taking the lead on vocals and a heavy amount of synthesizer and other electronic sounds. It’s an interesting start, as it is a pretty straightforward song, lyrically and sonically. You have the steady drum machine beats, some thick synth lines and Boekner iterating that “[his] love is real…until it stops;” a tangible one liner that can get itself stuck in your head for hours at a time. Next up is “Flaggin’ a Ride,” on which Daniels takes vocal lead. Noticeably, it sounds a lot more like Spoon, as the first song exhibited signs of Handsome Furs. Apart from the vocal similarities, you have the signature guitar lines that takeover the song and the overall rockier sounding song.

The album progresses gradually, with most of the tracks ringing true to their titles, which are often repeated quite frequently. Another standout, and perhaps the most cohesive song for this group comes on “Baby Get Worse,” on which Boekner has the lead in the beginning and the focus is strong on synth lines and buzzing beats. However, instead of leaving on a one note status, a break comes late in the song with electric guitar surging through with Daniels shortly following, giving it the magic touch of both of these guys. “Shivers” also possesses such a factor of intrigue as “Baby Get Worse,” despite it being an altogether Spoon-ish sounding effort. The lyrics on this ninth track walk a bit on the somber side, but are no less than the brilliance that we’ve all come to know, doling out lines like “my baby’s so vein she’s almost a mirror,” and other quirky darkness that adds to the overall appeal of the Divine Fits.

While this is by no means a bad album, it is a bit of a disappointing one. I was expecting the powers that combined on this work to be greater than the sum of their parts, culminating to an excellent new super group I could get behind. However, A Thing Called the Divine Fits comes across as a mixture of slightly altered songs from the original bands of these gentlemen, but when it’s such talented artists, who’s really complaining?

Stream A Song I Decided I Like

I have always liked Black Moth Super Rainbow, but for only about a minute and thirty seconds. When “Windshield Smasher” was released a few weeks ago, I was pretty ‘meh’.

I listened to a mixtape Tobacco did for SiriusXMU that featured the song and since then, this track keeps finding ways into my earholes to infect my mindgrapes. Guess what, I dig this song now. It starts more percussive, but builds a bit into normal BMSR territories and then gets groovy, rinse, repeat. So yeah, this is my post to share and just say hey *nicejobsport*, I’m a fan.

New album, Cobra Juicy, hits 10/23 just in time for merch booths at their (spoiler alert) FFF Nites show at The Mohawk 11/3 and their FFF set on 11/4. <<<< The internet eats its own. [soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

More New Rock From Unnatural Helpers

A couple months ago I shared a new rockin’ tune from recent Hardly Art Acquisition Unnatural Helpers called “Hate Your Teachers”.  Well today I have another new song for you going by the name “Toil” and it rocks just as hard as that last tune.  Don’t forget that the band have a new album coming out on September 25th entitled Land Grab.  It’s sure to be a hot one.


Download: Unnatural Helpers – Toil [MP3]

Soft Gem from King Creosote

One of the things I hate about the US is that it’s really hard to get the good vinyl from the UK without paying a hefty sum.  If it weren’t so, I’d definitely have my house filled with the beautiful sounds of Kenny Anderson, aka King Creosote.  Today, he’s releasing his newest collection of tunes, a three song EP titled To Deal With Things.  On this particular tune, Anderson quietly enters the fold, letting his vocals brood and build, just before the drums slightly pick up the pace.  For me, there’s not a more mesmerizing voice these days, especially when it’s accompanied by the dark undertones of the music present. Enjoy.


Download:King Creosote – Ankle Shackles [MP3]

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