New 80’s Action Figure Video From Oh Look Out

It’s rare that we here at ATH post videos on this here site, so you’ve got to know it’s special when we actually do.  This sweet new action figure themed video comes our way from former Built By Snow frontman JP Pfertner and his new project Oh Look Out.  Now I posted about this new project over a year ago, and this is first new material I’ve heard from JP since then.  The video for the song “Monster Fiction” features 75% of the action figures I had in my toy chest as a child and I found myself pausing to get a closer look at my old favorite figures.  How many did you have?  A new album from the new project is said to be coming real soon, so sit tight.

Follow the jump for video.

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More New Music From Lord Huron

The release of Lonesome Dreams from ATH approved act Lord Huron is coming next month on IAMSOUND so it’s a good time to get some press going for the band.  A couple months ago, we posted up on the new song that everyone was buzzing about “Time to Run”.  Well today we’ve got another song off the record entitled “Brother” that’s also been floating around the interwebs for the last few days.  Hopefully this one will sway your decision on wether or not to pick up the record when it comes out.  You better.


Download: Lord Huron – Brother [MP3]

New Stuff From Teen Daze

One album I have been really enjoying on calm mornings or post show is Teen Daze‘s All of Us Together. It blends a lot of what I loved from my electronic roots with a simplicity that is hard to do, atmospheric backgrounds with rising and falling activity keeping your mind engaged. Reminding a bit of Cosmic Baby redone by Tycho. It will likely end up on the my best of the year list strictly based on the number of plays.

Teen Daze will release another LP this year, November 6th, called The Inner Mansions. You can preorder it here on Lefse Records. To get you clicking, here is the track “Spirit” just made available on Soundcloud. Also check out “Garden 2″ if you want the mellow side.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ACL Battles: M83 vs. M. Ward

Well it’s time ladies and gents, time for everyone to start mapping out that ACL schedule and deciding who is really going to be worth your time in the sun.  While skimming through the schedule, the first major conflict I see for a lot of people has to be on Friday with M. Ward and M83 both going on at 7:30.  Now I also see Thievery Corporation going on around the same time, but I’m going to leave them out of the mix since they aren’t really my thing.  

So who you gonna pick?  The atmospheric electronic jams of M83?  Or would you rather go with the songwriting style of the legendary M. Ward?  I think I know who I’d pick…. I think.  

Let’s hear your thoughts.


Download: M Ward – Never Had Nobody Like You [MP3]


Download: M83 – Midnight City [MP3]

Sea Pinks – Freak Waves

Rating: ★★★★½

My love for Sea Pinks originally began when I discovered that the drummer of Girls Names, Neil, had started the group. My thoughts were that it would have the same dark jangle rock sound, and I guess the first LP, Dead Seas, does have a bit of that.  But, it didn’t prepare me for the incredible Freak Waves album that I cannot stop playing no matter where I go.

“Lake Superior” beings Freak Waves off with a nice jangling bounce, even including a bit of monosyllabic doo wop moments in the background.  It’s catchy, and it definitely sets the tone for the rest of the album.  That attitude is stepped up almost immediately with “A Pattern Recognition.” The vocals begin in step with the songs underlying groove, with a light guitar wavering in the background.  My highlight though is the vocal delivery during the chorus, just changing the heavier verse into a hint of warming pop as guitars pick up and dance away. It’s perfectly juxtaposed to the psych-pop elements of “False Spring,” which sounds like one of the long-lost Fresh & Onlys tunes.

Then you’re introduced to my favorite moments on this latest Sea Pinks release. It all begins with the refreshing “You’re Not Happy,” which is a song that lyrically I think a lot of us can relate to, not being able to completely make a loved one happy. I’m just in love with how the vocals are delivered in contrast to the heavy drum beat in the background.  I’ve probably played this track 40 times in the last two days. Then it moves into the slowly unfolding “An Act of Treason;” the song begins rather slowly with a twinkling guitar line off in the distance, yet its beauty is truly reached when the chorus of “I can make you cry” is repeated.  There’s something about the change in the vocal inflection that is so affecting and addictive that I can’t get it out of my head, nor do I want to do so. 

Even though the middle of the record has the meat and potatoes of pop brilliance, I can’t sit here and pretend like every song isn’t worthy of your attention.  For instance, I’m completely infatuated with “(Out of) The Capital,” which seems to be a reflective look at one’s life moving forward and away from their roots.  The refrain “I work out of the capital” has been playing in my mind all day long.  The song’s bounce is noteworthy too, but I think once you listen to this track you’ll see that its efforts speak for itself.

Sea Pinks might not be one of the many band’s on many people’s list, at least not yet in the United States, and that’s quite a shame.  I haven’t had this much fun listening to a record through and through in a long time, making this review easy to write about.  Freak Waves isn’t an ordinary record, and those of you looking for something to appease your jangling pop fix might find this one of the best albums to come your way this year. You know what, who cares about genres, this might just be one of the best things I’ve heard.


Download: Sea Pinks – A Pattern Recognition [MP3]

Freak Waves is out now on CF Records.

More New Rockers From PAWS

It’s been a long, slow week and I feel like it’s time for some good ‘ol honest rock music in my life to perk things up a bit.  I’m satisfying my desires with not one, but two new songs coming your way from Glasgow based rock group PAWS.  Both songs are fairly straight forward rock tunes with nice drum action behind simple guitars and dual vocal duties.  I’m on board with Nate and also giving them my stamp of approval.  As previously mentioned, PAWS have a new album entitled CokeFloat! coming out on October 6th via FatCat.

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Show Preview: Mt. Eerie @ the Parish (9.27)

Date Thursday, September 27th
Location The Parish
Doors 900 PM
Tickets $12 @ Transmission

There are some venues that seem to be created for certain bands, and I whole-heartedly feel that the Parish is here to host acts like Mt. Eerie.  Phil Elvrum’s work, either with the Microphones, or with Mt. Eerie, has always been intimate and gentle.  I can’t imagine another place that would be as suited to host Phil’s work on Thursday, as the sound at the Parish is definitely going to bring you closer to Elvrum’s music.  He’s already released two great albums this year, Clear Moon and Ocean Roar, and he’ll be bringing those tunes to life for you.  If you’re in need of something emotionally affecting, then you need to make your way to see Phil on Thursday night.


Download: Mount Eerie – Ocean Roar [MP3]

New Electro-Pop From Calvin Love

Here’s a nice electro-pop themed tune called “Magic Hearts” from Cali based musician Calvin Love.  His music would be adequately described as bedroom pop with some wicked 80s style beats and spooky vocals to boot.  A debut LP entitled New Radar will be coming on November 6th via Autumn Tone Records.  We of course recommend that you see your local record store to make a purchase if you enjoy this one.


Download: Calvin Love – Magic Hearts [MP3]

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