More New Letting Up Despite Great Faults

Letting Up Despite Great Faults has offered up another track off their pending release Untogether.

It is pretty obvious that the band has been listening to and influenced by a few of my favorite things. Floating vocals, percussive synth, this is one pretty sweet electro jam. I am really excited by this release and expect to hear a bit more on it soon. LUDGF have a few shows pending, 10/12 at Frontier, a couple CMJ dates and then back to town for a 10/29 show at The Mohawk before hitting Japan. Maybe they will take me along to document the Japan shows. #probablynot


Download: Letting Up Despite Great Faults – Bulletproof Girl [@RCRDLBL]

New Jam from Guards

I have no idea how this new jam from Guards slipped under my radar last week, as I’ve long adored this band something fierce.  The band’s released a a couple of EPs, but they’re prepping for the release of their debut, In Guards We Trust, which comes out February 5th of next year.  Listening to the first single, it’s precisely what I wanted the band to do.  They highlight their exuberance with bright hooks and swirling melodies that emotionally encourage you to soar.  Be prepared to hear more great things from this group next year.


Download:Guards – Silver Lining [MP3]

Murky Number from Dead Horse One

You know, I don’t think too many people talk about the scene over in France, aside from a few acts.  So when I got this heads-up on Dead Horse One, I was a bit intrigued, and then I was pleased.  The band has crafted a blend of early shoegaze with hint of psychedelia, creating a heavy sound that begs your attention today.  Earlier this year they released their Heavenly Choir of Jet Engines EP, and while it might be a short affair (4 tracks), it’s been really rewarding listening to the wash of guitars coated in this odd pop approach.  It’s clear that the French aren’t worried about pretense here, aiming to craft their own unique sound.


Download: Dead Horse One – Alone [MP3]


New Tune from Girls Names

I’ve been in love with Girls Names since their inception, but even more so now that their drummer Neil is battling for album of the year with his latest effort as Sea Pinks.  That point aside, the group’s got a great new single they’ve throw out, illustrating the bold new steps they’re taking in working towards the completion of their upcoming record. There’s still an element of lurking darkness in their sound, but the music seems to have drifted into a broader spectrum that I think shows the group really pushing themselves to find a new playground (musically speaking).  I love the ringing guitar that jumps in just after the 4 minute mark.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Nice New Rocker from Dirty Fences

Let’s kick off the day with a nice little bit of anthemic rock n’ roll, you know, of the garage sort.  Dirty Fences is a New York act with a few small releases to their name, but I’m digging the sing-a-long attitude of their swaggering rock.  This jam comes from the group’s self-titled EP, which is filled with energetic tunes you and your friends will use to get you amped up for the night.  It’s nothing out of this world, but it’s got the simplicity and grit that made bands like the New York Dolls huge, so look out for these dudes!


Download:Dirty Fences – Sid [MP3]

Sun Airway – Soft Fall

Rating: ★★★½☆

When Sun Airway came out with their debut, Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier, two years ago, it was hard to project the longevity of such electronic laden music. With its never-ending loops of distortion and synthesized beats, I was convinced that this would be a one-and-done band; it would be hard for future releases to match the freshness that the first release possessed. Luckily, Soft Fall denounces such an assumption.

My first inclination that this sophomore release would be just as special as its predecessor came when I first heard the single “Wild Palms.” At three minutes and forty-three seconds, it does a pretty good job of giving you a little taste of everything that Sun Airway does well and making you crave even more. It opens with an infectious beat that dominates the soundscape and some electronic orchestral sounds. The distorted, echoed and simultaneously here-and-there vocals of Jon Barthmus quickly make their appearance to hypnotize you with their irresistible serenity amidst the chaotic atmospheric sounds happening behind them.

In the album this single comes a little before the halfway point of Soft Fall, serving as a nice standout track, but by no means is it the only hit this Philadelphia duo has in store for you. Before you reach this number, they hit you with “Close,” that introduces you into the quickened pace that is apparent through the whole album. After the midpoint of the record, you also have other contagiously good numbers like “Symphony in White No.2,” which is sure to have you dancing along. Though the pace is noticeably faster on this album, you also have slower jams like “Laketop Swimmers” and the title track “Soft Fall” that serve as deeper cuts like “Shared Piano” from the prior release.

While it is every bit as infectious as Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier, it is a smidge less listenable and leaning on the lazy side of things when it comes to variation, specifically in the lyrics department. Yes, this band is producing electronic music that focuses on the beats and filling sounds produced, but what I really enjoy about this band is their ability to keep the music down on a human level with their lyrics. In some instances, the words are repeated so much that it detracts from the aesthetic of the song and leaves me bored.

Such instances are few, leaving Soft Fall to be exactly what its title proclaims it to be and in more than one way. Yes, it is a gentle step down from the beauty of this band’s first work, but it is also the sort of record that you can listen to distance yourself from a long day and fall softly upon something a little more magical.


ACL Interviews: Los Campesinos!

The ATH crew is heading full blast into our ACL Festival coverage this week with some spotlights, interviews, battles and any other craziness we can think of.  Today we’re coming at ‘ya with our first interview of the season from Welsh band Los Campesinos!  Prior to the festival, we sent some interview questions to band member Tom Campesinos! who was kind enough to answer our tough questions.  Follow the jump for his answers.

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Show Preview: Buke and Gase @ Red 7 (10/5)

Date Friday, October 5th
Location Red 7
Doors 9:00 PM
Tickets $8 from Transmission

Friday nights are always a blast, especially if you can squeeze in some well performed rock n’ roll.  One of the bands coming into town Friday, who are destined to be popular, if they’re not huge already, is Buke and Gase. Their shape-shifting indie-rock even got a Best New Music nod after announcing the release of their upcoming album, General Dome (1/29/13). If you want to be hip, and you want to be on the cusp of truly creative art, then you need to get to this show, or else your friends will mock you for being the one person who wasn’t on board with the group from the beginning.  Horse + Donkey will be opening the night, so be sure to show up around 10 PM. Here’s a hit from the band.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Ballad from Calm as the Colour

It’s a good thing I have some sort of lineage in Scotland, otherwise I’d feel sort of odd about the way I fawn over their musicians.  I’m pretty sure this is the second Scottish track I’ve posted this week, and I’m okay with that.  Calm as the Colour is a four-piece (again not from Glasgow), and I was completely caught off guard when I heard the work they’ve put in on their recent Tomorrow Belongs to a World Apart EP.  It’s got four great tracks, and this one in particular approximates my love of both loud guitars and tight-knit guitar-monies.  It’s a pretty pop ballad, and sometimes those do just the trick!


Download:Calm as the Colour – Sometimes [MP3]

New Jam from Those Darlins

This is a solid week for Those Darlins on our site, with the band letting us present their show at the Mohawk this coming Sunday evening, and now they’ve got a great little rocker to toss your way as well.  I like how the group’s slowed things back here just a second to allow for the story to take place, if not more allowing it to take on more of the focus.  Also, there’s a fuzzed out guitar rambling near the end, which is one of my favorite sides of the band, not to mention that inherent swagger/bravado they always capture in the studio.  If you dig this song, and you live in Austin…I better see you Sunday.  If you don’t, but you love the band, here’s yet another reason.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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