Levek – Look a Little Closer

Rating: ★★½☆☆

When a band deems itself belonging to the “Mickey-Mouse Tribal” genre, it’s difficult to know exactly what they mean. I take it to mean music that’s paying homage to another time—a sort of nostalgic music. Still, what does this entail? For Levek it means music coated in synthesizers and old-fashion elements of sound that bring you back to yesteryear, but which yesteryear is this band evoking? The 70’s, the 60’s, or neither?

To be honest, this album is a little all over the place: on one song you’ll find chill experimental music, on another you’ll find a track that sounds like something you’d hear in an elevator, and another evokes Grizzly Bear in its slow burning intensity. While all of the songs on Look a Little Closer fall along the same level of calm, there is a large disparity in the sound of this band from song to song, and this overall discontinuity disrupts the flow of such a record.

This disparity is present at the beginning of the album, until the sound that Levek decides to stick with appears. The first song, “Black Mold Grow,” has a chill, 1970’s vibe to it, complete with the meek vocals of front man David Levesque. The track is soft and seems to float on a layer of thin air, bouncing on light percussion and sugary harmonies, but then it bursts into a disco-y sound at the end, with layers of warmth that give it a full and rich texture.  Such rich texture dissolves by “Terra Treasures,” the third song on this album, which reminds me of a song you’d hear only in an elevator; the synthesized organ and the flat percussion doesn’t really go anywhere. Fourth up is “With a Slow Burn” whose bubbling serenity calls the sound of Grizzly Bear to mind. However, the second half of the album falls into the exact opposite pattern in which the songs begin to blend together in their similarities.

Now don’t get me wrong here, I’m all about diversity within a band’s sound, as it is what prevents all of the music on an album from meshing into one giant song. There is, however, a difference between continuity and the over-repetition of sounds. Look a Little Closer could use a little more of both of these elements in separate doses.


Download:Levek – Girl In The Fog [MP3]

ACL Spotlight: Gardens & Villa

When looking at the ACL lineup, we ATH kids always get really excited about the middle of the day bands.  For starters, those are typically the bands in the prime of their career, coming off a recent well constructed album.  Not to mention that the crowds aren’t quite as big and you’re just getting into that mid-day buzz.  While perusing those afternoon bands this year, I first took notice of upstart Santa Barbara group Gardens & Villa.  Follow the jump for more.

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New Music from Trapped Mice

Typically, I don’t go straight out for the classic alternative sound, even with all it’s current production value and what not.  But, that being said, I’ve really fallen for this jam from Trapped Mice, a band hailing from the other part of Scotland, Edinburgh.  I’m obsessed with the way band incorporates lush instrumentation, wrapped around some incredibly lyrics.  You’ll also find a raw passion that introduces itself near the end via the vocal performance.  It’s the perfect first single from their upcoming record, Winter Sun, which is now on my watch-list. If you like organically-grown rock n’ roll, then this hit’s for you.


Download:Trapped Mice – Mona Lisa [MP3]

Another Track From Black Moth Super Rainbow

So now I am really looking forward to this release…

“Gangs in the Garden” was unlocked to the internet a little bit ago via the BMSR Soundcloud, despite having been uploaded three months ago. Why can’t we have nice things? It is a short, dare I say dancy, vocodered blast.

Reminder, Black Moth Super Rainbow will be at Fun Fun Fun Fest. Cobra Juicy hits 10/23.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53092991″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Wonderful Old Pop from The Sugargliders

I hadn’t heard about the Sugargliders, though I’m admittedly ashamed of that fact.  Apparently the Australian group has a short career in the early 90s, releasing multiple singles, and one solitary album.  But, now our dear friends over at Matinee Recordings have decided that you deserve the right to get your hands on these out of print works, compiling a career retrospective titled A Nest With A View.  It’s honest indie-pop, with warming guitar lines and reflective lyrics–the things that make good pop so sincere and stunning.  I’m glad to have discovered this act, and I hope you opt to pick up their compilation on October 16th when it hits stores.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60378884″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Slow Jam from Beacon

Seeing as I’m doing work on Sunday with cooling weather and a rain-soaked yard, I feel like this new jam from Beacon warrants your attention.  While a great deal of the work I’ve heard from these guys is a little bit harder-hitting, I really appreciate the way this track unfolds. Electronic elements have a definite pulse, though they slowly unfold here, rising briefly at times, then retreating to their minimal status in the track.  Those looking for a chilled out tune will find solace in this number, which is one of the featured tracks on the band’s For Now EP.


Download:Beacon – Safety’s Off [MP3]

New Jam from Useless Eaters (Split w/ Nu Sensae)

Both Nu Sensae and Useless Eaters have had a good year, especially in my musical ears, so I’m pleased to present you with one of the tunes from their split 7″, which comes to you via Volcom Entertainment’s Vinyl Club.  It’s a limited pressing, and I suggest you get your hands on this rarity.  The tune I wanted to highlight is the Useless Eaters side of the release, which shows a more sprawling version of the band, rather than their precision punk rock. It’s coated in reverb, giving the listener a bit of distance between the heavy jam and the vocals.  Give it a good listen.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60230421″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Wistful Pop from Cape Canaveral

I hope you’re ready for some pop that makes you long for the days of yesteryear, with warm recordings and simplicity at the helm.  Copenhagen’s Cape Canaveral are one such band that caught my attention, encouraged by their adoration of Galaxie 500.  This new gem comes from their wonderful new single on EarDrumsPop, a non-profit label trying to make the world fall in love all over again.  I really appreciate the way this song was recorded, providing listeners with a really intimate tune that begs to be on every new playlist you make your friends.  Please check out the label and the band, and donate to the cause of both!


Download:Cape Canaveral – Moles [MP3]

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