Nice New Tune from Wampire

WampireJust a bit ago I caught Wampire opening up for Foxygen and Unknown Mortal Orchestra; I said it then, and I’ll say it again: Wampire were the best band that night. They have this combination of California sun-pop with a bit of R&B swagger…even throwing in some alternative rock jamming moments.  They’re definitely one of those bands who I’ve been waiting to hear more from, which is a good thing since their debut Curiosity is coming out in two weeks from Polyvinyl Records.  It’s shaping up to be a pretty perfect record for summertime party jams.


Download: Wampire – Trains [MP3]

Folk Laden Gem from Last Good Tooth

last-good-tooth_cover-thumbOccasionally, I let things slide by, knowing I can revisit them when I’ve got more time on my hands.  I did that with Last Good Tooth, and their recent single “What’s What I Do” from their upcoming Not Work Without Rest.  I can’t help but share it with you, as I think you’d be silly not to enjoy what’s coming your way.  While there’s a few elements that are reminiscent to modern (freak) folk, such as the vocals and wordplay, I think this is much more accessible, in an endearing way.  There’s handclaps and female backing vocals.  If you like what you’re hearing, they’re about to embark on a nice tour from NC to CA, including a stop at Stubbs Jr on May 11th.


Download: Last Good Tooth – What’s What I Do [MP3]

Indie Pop Delight from The Airplanes

284395_419479744767618_988455224_nI owe the discovery of this jam entirely to my friend Howard over at IPSML; he’s got some of the best taste in pop music around.  I was really surprised to hear that the The Airplanes from Fayetteville, as it’s not a sound I really associate with the area.  Here’s great things about the track: it’s on a EP titled Jingle Jangle; it alludes to Big Star in the title; it has killer vocals.  Right now, that’s just enough to go off of without even listening to the track; you know it’s going to be a hit.  But, you should really listen to it, over and over again, just like I’ve done all week long.  Happy Tuesday folks.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Jam from the Sea Pinks

seapinksLast year’s Freak Waves was one of my top albums of the year; it was such a joy that I still listen to it on a regular weekly basis.  Well, Sea Pinks are back with a brand new single for your ears, and this one will hopefully promise more great songs to come! The guitar still jangles, but it’s not as prominent this round; I feel as if the tonal quality of the guitar itself is actually a bit darker.  Of course, the lyrics are perfect, with a chorus you can sing to yourself while you’re jamming on the highway.  Support the band and go check out their BANDCAMP where you can grab their previous works and this single!


Download: Sea Pinks – Magpies Eyes [MP3]

New Pop Rock from Spectrals

spectralsAdmittedly, I’ve been a casual fan of Spectrals for some time, though I’ve never become overly involved with the project of Louis Jones.  I have a feeling that things are going to change this time, and not just because his new record will be released by the always reliable Slumberland Records, rather it’s the feel of the song.  It takes a bit of a jaunt into just good old fashioned power rock n’ roll. It’s got hooks, decent drumming and nice guitar licks; this is the sort of tune that you sit back and enjoy, grateful someone out there made it. The new record is titled Sob Story, and it should be in stores on June 18th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: The Joy Formidable @ Emo’s (4/30)

Date 4/30
Location Emo’s
Doors 7:00
Tickets $16.00

Since SxSW’s exit, we have already seen a few bands that played the conference come back through town. Tuesday’s show at Emo’s features two grads of 2013. The Joy Formidable put down a blistering set at the Nikon Warner Sound showcase, I mean nailed down. IO Echo showed the harder edge that comes from the live setting, but the quick-turn venues and makeshift staging never allowed for a real run at how they want to convey their songs. The big stage can give them the room to breathe.

If you like live music, and since you are reading this you do, join me won’t you? I’ll the guy up front taking pic, say hi. Here is a sample from IO Echo as you better be familiar with Ritzy and the boys…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Old Jam from The Best

theBest-webwebI’m posting this jam from The Best just because, well, I can–you need to hear it. I feel like Austin, and beyond, haven’t had a great chance to fall in love with this band, although the varying parts of the group have definitely had their share of adoring press.  Take members of OBN IIIs, A Giant Dog, Bad Lovers, Flesh Lights and basically any other band that kicks ass…throw them together and you expect big things.  The Black Triangle 7″ came out last year, but there’s still a few floating about, so take a second to check out Twistworthy Records and get your hands on the goods. 

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6d00&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Creative Pop from Grounders

groundersToronto is known to be a musical hot bed, though that seems to have died down just a bit.  That won’t be the case once people get a chance to hear the new EP from Grounders.  Listening to their Wreck of a Smile EP, it’s difficult to really place their music, though the band’s creativity is clearly obvious.  Cleverly, they’ve layered sounds atop sounds, all the while promoting a playful bounce that serves as the backbone for the track.  If you’re interested in what you’re listening to, and you should be, then you can pick up the group’s EP on July 7th from Park the Van Records. Enjoy your day.


Download: Grounders – Along the Line (Alt. Version) [MP3]

Lost in Austin: Cave Singers

Wow, it’s been way too long since we’ve managed to shoot one of our world famous Lost in Austin videos with Guerilla Waltz.  Almost a year to be exact, since we last ran the incredible video of Suckers at Red 7.  Well today is a turning point in the series, as we jump start a new era for our takeaway videos with longtime ATH favorite Cave Singers.  Follow the jump for full description and video.

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