Jamming out with King Khan and the Shrines

kingkhanLong have we adored KK and the Shrines, and we’ve been excited since they first announced their upcoming for Merge Records.  On the latest single, there’s definitely a bit of restraint, at least for my ears.  The song holds back from the typical garage rock pummeling, using an effects pedal to sort of provide a tripped out stomp; I like the clarity of the vocals throughout as well, which is a touch of a change.  They’re titling the album Idle No More, and it will hit streets on September 3rd.  The release will also see a world-wide tour, though, sadly, there’s no scheduled Austin date.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/95409544″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Review: Snowden @ Red7 (6/7)

Six years ago, that was the last time I saw this band. Snowden is back after checking out for little bit with Jordan bringing along new people for the live setting, tightening the belt to a three piece. The show had a reunion feeling to it; fans listening to the jams flowing for the Learning Secrets‘ wheels of steel were trying to one up each other on stories how Anti-Anti helped them through a tough time or how it was a soundtrack to an epic road trip. Some had seen the band before, some hadn’t. It was a family and friends crowd at Red7 because of the long gap between albums and Jordan’s recent move to Austin.

Read on for thoughts on the show and plenty of pics…

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Soft Ballad from Ashley Eriksson of LAKE

ashleyAshley Eriksson is the lead singer of LAKE, and the songwriter of the theme song for Adventure Time.  Of course, she’s always been working on the side, and she’s ready to debut a new record, Colours, which comes out on July 16th.  She possess a tranquil voice, carefully draped across the top of her elegant piano tapestries. There’s a respect for the the empty space that belongs in music, allowing her songs to achieve some beautiful clarity. She’ll be teaming up with K Records for this release of piano ballads, all which will require a quiet ear and a joy for voice.


Download: Ashley Eriksson – Humming in the Dark [MP3]

Soliti Music Turns 2

soliti-turns-2-blue-640x634I’m really excited for my far away friend Nick and his wonderful label to be celebrating two successful years.  Soliti Music has brought us gems from Cats on Fire to The New Tigers to Big Wave Riders, and in honor of that celebration, the label is giving up an 8 track compilation of tunes that are either unreleased or demo versions.  They’ve even got a few words about each of the songs, which you can find HERE.  But, if you want to get your hands on some great tunes, or perhaps even discover your new favorite band, then click HERE.  For now, here’s my favorite track from the label.


Download: Cats on Fire – My Sense Of Pride [MP3]

Coma Cinema – Posthumous Release

comacinemaRating: ★★★★½

There comes a time in every music nerd’s life (hopefully more often than once) where you find a record that completely fulfills you, that brings you back time and time again to listen carefully; for me, that record is Posthumous Release.  Coma Cinema is the project of Mathew Cothran, and I’ll do my best to give justice to this incredible album, though I’m not sure if even words can suffice.

“VHS White Trash” opens up the entire affair, and it’s here where I first notice a resemblance to the old Elf Power, back when they were weird.  But, that being said, the simple accompaniment, the female backing vocals and simply strummed guitar don’t sound weird, other than the lyrical content.  Percussion enters midway through, as do some horn touches, making this the perfect opening number; I know I pressed play again and again just to make sure it was as perfect as I thought.  My ears also heard a bit of Elliott Smith in Posthumous Release, especially when I listened to “Virgin Veins.”  The sound of the guitar sounds eerily similar, as does the whispering quality of Cothran’s voice. There’s a fragility to his songwriting and his delivery, as if he’s bearing his soul before you; it’s a sincerity I’ve longed for for quite some time.  You’ll find that same sentiment in “Partners in Crime;” it stood out to me in this manner from the exhale of breath that opens the track, not to mention the slightest crackle in the voice.

While it may seem that Coma Cinema has a down-trodden attitude, Mat realizes that he’s also got a knack for combining his melodies with peppier bits tossed in sporadically throughout his latest effort. “She Keeps It Alive” has a fuzzed out guitar chug to it that provides more momentum than most of the songs you’ll find here, though it’s not quite a full on rock moment.  Still, you don’t have to turn things up loud in order to seduce me with your pop sensibility.  In “Satan Made a Mansion” I’ve met my match for my adoration of quirky lyrics and catchy melodies.  Build around a piano or keyboard, the song has a bounce, and the melody in the vocals does everything it can to make this the best song of the year (it is in my opinion). I like the cascading guitar solo near the end of the tune, but I’m not ever going to forget the lyric of “fuck me in the graveyard.”

You see, Posthumous Release might very well go unnoticed upon hitting the stores, and I’ll declare that a great tragedy.  This is one of those records that, while not perfect, has the precise amount of emotion and songwriting that makes you want to share it with all your friends.  You’ll want to make mixtapes with just this album; you’ll want to make sure everyone you meet knows all about Coma Cinema.  I hope that it’s a huge success, though at the same time, I won’t cry if I’m one of a handful of people who enjoys it.  I’ll continue to play this album until the day I die, and I’ll always have that sentiment…few records have had such an effect on me.


Download: Coma Cinema – Satan Made A Mansion [MP3]

New Tune from Modern Hut

HutPromo1.1Joe Steinhardt is working under the moniker Modern Hut, and it’s time we introduce this fantastic new voice to you all.  His songs, like the one below, are pretty basic in construction, just using guitar and some minimal backing accompaniment. But, I’m particularly interested in the way his vocals are delivered, not to mention the lyrics that tie everything together.  Perhaps you can ascribe similarities to John Darnielle or a more serious Adam Green, which both count as great things in my book.  His album Generic Treasure will be coming out on August 17th courtesy of Don Giovanni Records.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/95839673″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: Snowden @ Red7 (6/7)

Date 6/7/13
Location Red7
Doors 9pm
Tickets $12

Insanely busy weekend.

It has been six years since I saw Snowden at SXSW play tracks off of the excellent Anti-Anti album with the woxy.com people at Emo’s Annex tent during a day party. I guess that South-By was one of the first to really flip things upside down, making the day parties how you discover music. Jordan Jeffares finally brings some sound back to Austin to play Red7 tonight with Learning Secrets along for the preshow lounging. Come dance and then gaze.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53058183″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: Centro-matic @ Frank (6/7)


Date 6/7/13
Location Frank
Doors 9pm
Tickets $12 @ Ticketfly

My apologies first off for the late notice on this show, but we deem it necessary to keep you informed on great shows despite our lack of timeliness.  Now that we have that out of the way, let’s discuss our highly anticipated show by veterans and always underrated Texans Centro-matic.  These guys have been doing their thing for a long time and it’s hard to believe the amount of music they now have to choose from in the live setting.  Opening support is provided by locals Kingdom of Suicide Lovers.  Don’t miss out.


Download: Centro-matic – Flashed and Cables [MP3]

New Music from Jonathan Rado of Foxygen

jonathanradoAdmittedly, I’m not a fan of Foxygen, at least in so far as the live setting goes. I thought the band was so horrible that I actually walked out of their set.  But, that being said, I can’t say enough about the songwriters in that band, especially Jonathan Rado.  He’s announced a solo effort for Woodsist, and it definitely harkens back to days of sincere pop.  If you didn’t hear the 60s influence on his writing before, you’re definitely going to hear it in this new track.  The album is titled Law and Order and should see a release date at some point in the fall.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/95461842″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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