Heavy Tune from Constant Mongrel

constantI feel like I’ve been taking it easy on you this week, giving you mostly soft hits to soothe the soul.  But, I wanted to wrap up Friday with a heavy-hand, giving you some post punk from Melbourne’s Constant Mongrel.  Originally the group was set up as a duo, but have expanded to accommodate their live set…and possibly their recorded material.  This tune comes from the group’s Heavy Breathing LP, which is being released by RIP Society, who I consider a reliable choice for the darker side of my musical collection. When the discordant noise starts ringing at the end of this track, I consider it a hit; hope you feel the same.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/100385096″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music From The Visibles

the_visiblesEarlier this month, I found myself taking a liking to this new band from California going by the name The Visibles.  After that initial interest peaked, I started checking out more of the band’s music and found this new track “Trestled in Trees” floating around the interwebs.  It’s more of a slow crooner when compared to the earlier song I posted.  Nothing wrong with that if you ask me.

Once again, a new self-titled LP will be out on September 10th.

Download: The Visibles – Trestled In Trees [MP3]

Great New Track From Frankie Rose

Frankie RoseFrankie Rose is one of those artists who has somehow released two great albums already, but still seems to fly just a little bit under the radar.  Who knows why I feel that way, but I’ve always been a big fan of the music she has created over the last few years.  This year brings more new music our way in the form of new album Herein Wild due out September 24th on Fat Possum Records.  Prior to that date, we’ve got a new song called “Street of Dreams” streaming below.  Me likey.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/102281128″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

I’m Enjoying Elvis Depressedly

elvisdepressedlyPlease pay attention to the punctuation here, I’m listening and enjoying Elvis Depressedly. Not, as it might be misconstrued listening to Elvis, Depressedly.  The South Carolina group is another project from Mat Cothran, the man behind this year’s beautiful Coma Cinema release.  This project is more of a full group, though the construction is still fairly minimal. Earlier this year the group put out Holo Pleasures 7″ EP, which is just now making it’s way into my hands.  I’m pretty sure Cothran’s voice can do me no wrong at this point. You should rush out and donate to the cause, picking up the group’s EP…it’s currently at the name your own price special.


Download: Elvis Depressedly – Pepsi/Coke Suicide [MP3]


Rose Melberg Is In a Lot of Really Good Bands…like Imaginary Pants

imaginaryRose Melberg is in a lot of really good bands folks.  One that I’ve taken a particularly liking to has been Imaginary Pants, who released a 7″ earlier this summer, unbeknownst to me.  But, I’m on it now! It’s hard to follow that lady’s prolific writing! But, the group has offered up their new Imaginary Pants 7″ for free download, though I suggest you support the cause and pick it up from Rok Lok Records. Of course, I’m going to stick with my theme for today by posting the slower song, though there’s a more upbeat track on the flip-side.  Sure, I’m late on this, but how can I not write about great pop tracks?


Download: Imaginary Pants – Channels [MP3]

Breathe Owl Breathe To Release New Album: Passage of Pegasus

PrintThere must be something in the water this week, forcing me to let go of my angst temporarily and revel in wonderful sad bastard music.  It’s true, you probably wouldn’t describe Breathe Owl Breathe as playing purely in that vein, but this track surely has a down-trodden feel to it.  Part of me hears bits of Silver Jews, though part of me hears the faintest Jarvis Cocker drawl in the vocals; I like both.  On this track, the attention to detail is executed perfectly, whether it’s the quieted drums or the light touches of strings.  You’ll be able to find this song on Passage of Pegasus, which comes out on October 15th.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/93079946″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More From Keep Shelly In Athens

The new album At Home from Keep Shelly In Athens is approaching it’s September 17th release date and so the promotional material keeps hitting the intarwebs. This time, it is a gem of dark dance synth that builds, vocalizes, dances and fades called “Flyaway”.

The band is co-headlining a mini-tour in October with Chad Valley. You people on the coasts are lucky. That is going to be one gem of show, the Chad Valley set at Holy Mountain was one of my mostest favoritest things this year.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/96476369″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Gentle Pop from Cate Le Bon

cateGod, I just absolutely love Cate Le Bon.  When I first caught her live, I was mesmerized by the strength in her voice, despite walking on stage with little more than a guitar and a microphone; it was a feeling I think was shared by many.  Cate’s back now with a brand new single, featuring the marvelous voice of Perfume Genius to accompany her.  It’s such an unassuming beauty that I think I’ll play it throughout the day, and I hope you do too.  She’s teamed up with Wichita Recordings to release her latest collection of songs, Mug Museum, which will see a release on November 12th; if it’s all this good, it’s going to be something truly special.


Download: Cate Le Bon – I Think I Knew (feat. Perfume Genius) [Mp3}

Beautiful Pop from The Starfolk

TheStarfolk123a02.115320Really well managed harmonies in the midst of pristine pop songwriting is really what gets me going.  Bands like Nada Surf and Sloan have always had a heavy rotation on my stereo, so it seems fitting that I can now add The Starfolk to that last list.  I’ve encountered some really incredible songs this week, but this one’s on its way to stealing the cake.  There’s a light ringing guitar that carefully floats along, whilst male, and backing female, vocals gently rest in the foreground; it doesn’t hurt that there’s this wonderful string arrangement in the middle of the track. The band’s self-titled record comes out on September 10th via Korda Records.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/101523101″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from The Band In Heaven

bandinheavenMan, I’m really stuck on the latest record from The Band in Heaven; it’s titled Caught in a Summer Swell, and it’ll see a release on September 17th.  For me, this song is great in the way it carefully jingles the guitar lines a la Explosion in the Sky.  While the song begins to unfold, it takes on that drifting quality of shoegaze meets folk music, taking on more emotional power as a female vocal enters into the picture for accompaniment. From there the song cascades carefully with a jagged guitar line that’s joined by that pinpoint line from the beginning of the track.  This is just one example of all the tricks the group has up their sleeves for your ears.


Download: The Band In Heaven – Farerwell Summer [MP3]

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