Fresh Pop Rock from Dot Dash

dotdashdcI’ve written about Dot Dash on several occasions over the last few years, raving about their last LP, Winter Garden Light.  I’m excited to let you all know that the group is back with their new album, Half-Remembered Dream.  The first single from the album is just pure rock n’ roll; I love the band’s style of guitar playing, but I’m really impressed with the vocals this time around.  They have such a soft quality to them, providing a nice little juxtaposition between vocals and instruments; this track reminds me of Nada Surf to a certain degree.  The album was just released by The Beautiful Music, but you can also pick it up from the band.  Here’s to a band you might not know, but definitely need in your musical collection.


Download: Dot Dash – (Here’s to) The Ghosts of The Past [MP3]

Great Indie Rock From Humble Braggers

998990_476791772400814_345045986_nBuffalo, NY based musician Tom Burtless has been recording under the moniker Humble Braggers for quite some time now.  He’s crafted some tasty indie pop numbers that could be compared to a band like Grizzly Bear, if you mixed in some dance inducing guitars and beats.  For a sample of this material, check out recent single “What’s Fair” below and let me know what you think.  Interested parties should check out recent EP release Safe Haven, which can be streamed in full on soundcloud.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Tearjerker From Gambles

Gambles-Far From Your Arms-EP-COVER-highresMatthew Siskin, and his musical project known as Gambles, has been on our minds over the last year with the release of his stellar EP Far From Your Mind.  With that EP already under his belt, Siskin is returning later this year with a highly anticipated full length LP entitled Trust.  To get us even more amped up for that release, new song “So I Cry Out” has been made available as a new single.  My description as a tearjerker will immediately become apparent after you give the track a few spins.  Sheer Beauty.

New album Trust will be out October 1st via GMBLS.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Fresh New Jeremy Jay Track

KDR005Not only do I really appreciate K Records, but I love Jeremy Jay.  So, when the two team up, you know I’m going to throw my support their way.  Jeremy has a new album titled Abandoned Apartments coming out on the label on November 12th, and we’ve got the first listen to one of the tracks for your ears. The guitar is still an integral part of the sound, though the wash of synths has become more prominent through the last few LPs, which is definitely apparent here.  Closing out the song is a twanging bit of guitar work too; it’s a nice touch to end the song.  Hope you enjoy listening to Jeremy as much as I do.


Download: Jeremy Jay – Covered In Ivy [MP3]

Show Preview: Okkervil River Tour Send Off @ Stubbs (8/22)


Date 8/22/13
Location Stubbs
Doors 10pm
Tickets $15 @ Door or $8 w/ CWK Ticket

So as we create this post, and you read this, tickets are probably going pretty fast so you better get a move on.  Just posted a few hours ago is a rare performance by local band Okkervil River at smaller venue Stubbs on the inside stage.  To be blunt, I could honestly care less about seeing Cold War Kids play their new material, but a ticket to that show will get you into this one.  Those not attending the CWK show, I recommend buying now and getting yourself in line super early.


Download: Okkervil River – Lost Coastlines [MP3]

Show Pics: Young Girls @ Parish Underground (8/16)

Was it worth the wait?

Sometimes, you get so jacked up about seeing a headliner that it gets hard to deal with opening bands, antsy for the dancy. Last Friday was one such night. We all like the gents in Young Girls. They get silly and are ready to party. Nathan convinced them to put out their pending 7″ on Austin Town Hall Records. How about that?

ATH went to Parish Underground and checked out the new material from one of our current favorite acts. I took pics and grabbed a little video sample of their inevitable hit.

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New Single From The Visibles

the_visiblesSan Francisco based group The Visibles just sent us this new track “Claredon Hills” and we wanted to share it with you lovely readers.  Upon first listen, it immediately reminds me of gritty southern rock themed bands like Blitzen Trapper, but with the quirkiest vocals you’ll hear this side of the Mississippi.  What exactly does that create in the song?  It’s hard to give it a label so I’ll just let you check out the song and let me know what you think.

You can expect a new self-titled LP from these guys on September 10th.


Download: The Visibles – Clarendon HIlls [MP3]

Austin Spotlight: Simple Circuit Release New Album

simplecircutiThose following the undercurrent of the Austin scene have surely heard of Simple Circuit; they’ve released a few 7 inches to rave reviews.  Good news comes today that the band has released their debut, self-titled, LP…and after listening to it all day long, it’s exactly what I expected.  The whole record is brimming with energetic songs with excellent guitar work and steady drumming; you’ll want to have your speakers up  loud for the duration.  There’s even a few mellower tracks to keep the LP catchy for everyday listening.  Right now the band is offering it up for the NYP, but I highly suggest you donate, as these guys (and this record) deserve it!


Download: Simple Circuit – Sattrash [MP3]

Show Preview: Kurt Vile @ Mohawk (8/20)


Date 8/20/13
Location Mohawk
Doors 6:30pm
Tickets $20 @ Door

Our apologies for the short notice on this one, but we feel the need to let you know about such a great show regardless of timeliness.  So tonight you should head on down to Mohawk for a great dual bill featuring Kurt Vile & The Violators along with Polyvinyl vet Sonny & the Sunsets.  It’s rare that you’ll find a bill in town with not one, but two solid indie rock n roll acts so we suggest you make the most of this rare opportunity.  Ya dig?


Download: Kurt Vile – Never Run Away [MP3]


More New Music from Bushwalking

BWPhotoMEDLess than a month ago we hit you with the beautiful, yet darkened, pop of Bushwalking.  They’re back again, this time with a more emphatic punch to their art-rock sound.  The guitar playing on here really excites me, occasionally going out of tune.  I love the way they seemingly work against the vocals, yet all tie in together nicely.  It’s still has this gritty edge to it, though this song might be a tad bit more accessible.  It doesn’t really matter in the end, as the group are racking up enthusiasm for their new record, including the kids here at ATH.  You can pick up their album No Enter on September 6th courtesy the hard-working (and lovely) guys of Chapter Music.

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