New Found Track from The Hunt

huntSeems like today is a good day to catch up with all the tunes that have been coming out recently that I liked, but saw other people get to first.  It’s slow around these parts, so I want to post this tune from The Hunt, who are no longer, but will see a lost LP released soon.  All they really had to tell me was that the guys in the Hunt now work in Cult of Youth, which is one of those bands I love to love.  Their sound reminds me an awful lot of a more Robert Smith influenced version of Cold Cave; it’s built on gothic premise, but remains every bit a pop sound.  You like it? You’re in luck. Sacred Bones Records will release The Hunt Begins on November 12th.

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Another New Blanche Blanche Blanche Tune!

blancheMan, I’m really digging what Blanche Blanche Blanche has been putting out.  It’s like this weirdo post-punk meld with touches of industrial added in for fun.  This new track has some weird effects on Sarah Smith’s vocals, which still have this dark sterility feeling.  Sounds dangerous and odd right? It is, but there’s still this level of attachment that comes for listeners via the driving spirit that creates the constant tension in the track.  Their Breaking Mirrors LP will be released by Wharf Cat Records on November 5th, next week!

[soundcloud url=”” iframe=”true” /]

Fun Track From Painted Palms

paintedpalmsHere’s a great new track called “Spinning Signs” from one of our more recent discoveries Painted Palms.  This song is just downright fun to listen to.  It’s poppy, it has a sort of doo wop vibe, and it seems to get more enjoyable with each spin.  Hope you enjoy on your spooky evening.  Say wha?

On January 14th you can pick up new album, Forever, on Polyvinyl.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Magic Trick

EMP019_Jacket_Front_med_125233I hate to be that guy, but I am that guy.  I love pretty much anything and everything that Tim Cohen touches. His work with Magic Trick seems to have taken an even softer approach today, with his latest single hitting the streets.  It’s a gentler man than his other gig, which is why we I love getting to see the two sides of Mr. Cohen; it’s great to see that our favorite songwriters have other outlets and are pushing themselves. His new effort, River of Souls, looks to be wrapping up the year nicely, seeing a release date of December 3rd on Empty Cellar Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Poliça – Shulamith

Polica_ShulamithRating: ★★★☆☆

It seems like in this day and age, making an album once every year is no big deal for an artist to do, so it’s no surprise that this 2012 buzz band is back for round two so soon. Lead by front woman, Channy Leaneagh, Poliça first made waves in the indie world with their synth based take on R&B. With the rise of synth pop and triphop groups with female, hyper-feminine vocalists, a-la Grimes and Purity Ring, it only seems natural that Poliça is making their rise quickly; the atmosphere is right for this group and Shulamith offers a grouping of songs that utilize the tools already in place from Give You The Ghost.

“Chain My Name,” kicks the album off with fast paced, body roll-inducing beats and Leaneagh’s auto-tuned vocals spouting off lyrics quickly, trying to keep up with the music. A funky bass line compliments the tinkering upper levels of synthesizer sound, and the percussion constantly pattering beneath it all. What is interesting about Poliça and a little different from other than the other groups that I mentioned previously is that the lead vocals aren’t exceptionally strong in their nature—Leaneagh’s altered vocals almost blend in with the other electronic elements; an extra layer of synth to add to the mix. It’s a fun number that should have you dancing around whatever space you find yourself listening in.

Next up on the highlight reel of this record is “Vegas,” which plays into the R&B vibe that this band has played into. Slower and more seductive, but never sleazy as the title would suggest, this track is purely enticing to listen to. Leaneagh’s voice takes on some power in this track, though still not overt in its nature. Later on, Justin Vernon joins the group to add some much needed variety half way through the album. Such song, “Tiff” is a another slower number, but Vernon’s higher pitched backing vocals give a twist on the song that sets it apart from the other numbers; the element that seems to be lacking from some other tunes.

Despite its redundancy in sound to their debut album, and to itself in places, Shulamith is an album that offers a nice change up in your listening catalogue. Perhaps a bit too long—on a song to song basis as well as the whole album—there is definitely room for improvement. Obviously some tracks have gleaned my attention more than others, but if you’re looking for some new jams to groove out to, check it out.


PYAITK: I Break Horses – “Faith”

This song is so good.

I love it.


It came out last week as a second preview track of I Break Horses pending, much synthier and dancier, 2014 release. There is a video for this song and another not-as-awesome preview track called “Denial” after the break. But before you do that, hit play and put your head down. …or dance around like a whackjob.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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Widowspeak – The Swamps EP

widowspeak-epRating: ★★★☆☆

The Swamps isn’t nearly as gloomy as its cover and title might indicate.  Although the EP begins with a slow, somewhat melancholy introductory track, it soon gains momentum.  By the time the penultimate track, “True Believer” rolls around, the mood on this record could almost be called optimistic.

Musically, The Swamps is a bit more eclectic than Widowspeak’s first two albums.  At times, the band almost strays from the smooth, dream-pop sound of their previous work.  “Smoke and Mirrors” feels a bit like surf-rock, while “Calico” and “Brass Bed” are much lighter, folksier tunes.  Still, the band is instantly recognizable due to lead singer Molly Hamilton’s dragging, breathy vocals.  Hamilton has an effortless way of rising up into notes that reminds me strongly of Mazzy Star singer Hope Sandoval.

Lyrically, these songs combine the imagery of a swamp with both nostalgic and hopeful sentiments.  “Calico” and “Brass Bed” are about simple, domestic pleasures and reflect a lost sense of normalcy in a relationship, while “True Believer” is a more direct appeal for understanding.  “True Believer” contains a grand, sweeping chorus and is, for me, the best and most memorable song of the group.

I’m not the biggest dream-pop fan out there, and the songs on The Swamps might not be as strong as some of Widowspeak’s earlier tunes, but there’s something very compelling and soothing about the vocals throughout the record.  

New Indie Rock From LA Font

0001038906_20I’m really into this new song called “Diving Man” from aptly named L.A. based band LA Font.  It’s a catchy tune that could be likened to indie pop bands like newer Arctic Monkeys or even fellow Cali bands like Foreign Born.  It’s fairly simple, and I like that in this overdone music world we live in nowadays.

Check out new album Diving Man due out November 19th on New Professor.

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FFF Preview: Blake Schwarzenbach

I feel like this might be one of the two artists I feel the most involved with at Fun Fun Fun Fest.  I know for a large group of my friends, not to mention others I’ve talked to, that Blake Schwarzenbach has been a huge part of our musical education.  For me, it started with his role in Jawbreaker; they were one of the group’s I couldn’t get enough of as a late teenager.  Then, as I grew up, my tastes expanded, as did his when he began work on Jets to Brazil.  And most recently, he’s been working with Forgetters, which I’ve grown to like after belated listening.  However, I can’t honestly say that I have any idea what he’s going to bring to the table at FFF; I’ve heard he’s pretty against playing any Jawbreaker tunes, so I’ll just hope for my favorite JTB tunes.  No matter what you’re into nowadays, it’d be hard to go back and ignore the huge influence Blake’s had on so many acts that followed. Hit the play traingle for a pair of my favorite Blake related tunes from Jets to Brazil and Jawbreaker.

He plays at 6:25 on the Yellow Stage on Friday, November 8th.

[audio:,|titles=Jets to Brazil – Air Traffic Control,Jawbreaker – Save Your Generation]
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