New Single from The Ocean Party

oceanpartyI’ve definitely been on an Australian bent lately, and I want to continue that with our friends in The Ocean Party.  They’ve just released their new record, Split, and I’m pretty sure that anyone that listens to the single below will find as much reason to love them as we do.  There’s a relaxed vibe to the vocal, which is often the case with the group, but the guitar sound should sound familiar to all, as it’s got a bright angular sound that’s being utilized around the globe.  If you’re with me, then you’ll be all about this beautiful song and the rest that are on the album.


Download: The Ocean Party – Quarter Life Crisis [MP3]

More New Music From Gem Club

gem_club_tonjeEarlier this month we shared a great new track with you from Gem Club, and today we’re ready to send another new tune from the band your way.  This one is called “Polly” and features more of the similar orchestral type feel with haunting vocals and a mesmerizing feel that’s sure to draw you in.  This new album may not be for everybody, especially those of you with no patience, but I recommend you pick up a copy when it’s out and enjoy the beauty within.

Once again, new album Roses will be out January 24th on Hardly Art.


Download: Gem Club – Polly [MP3]

Newish Jam from Anne

Anne_photo1.1Brian’s usually our electronic know-it-all, but I think I’m beating him to the punch here, though we’re both a few weeks late on this one.  The latest single from Anne is pretty rad; it’s got this driving synthetic beat that unites with these dark post-punk vocals.  Beneath the main beat, there’s another beat that seemingly builds the tension, which propels the song forward.  Anne‘s new EP, Jerusalem, is out today via Run For Cover Records, and those of you who’ve got a hankering for darkness with your electro-pop sensibilities will find the perfect way to spend your afternoon by clicking on the track below.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Radioactivity – s/t

1185631_205042416336958_2061587917_nRating: ★★★½☆

While the Marked Men might be on some sort of hiatus due to the busy schedules of everyone involved, Radioactivity at least gives us a glimpse at the glory of old, with half the band represented on the band’s eponymous debut.  The project is filled with leftover tracks from Jeff Burke’s project, The Novice, and he called in good pal Mark Ryan to flesh things out, leaving us with a blistering record of punk rock hits.

“Sickness” opens with that stuttering guitar line that’s pretty prominent in the work of all those involved with Radioactivity, though there’s a soloing guitar line that seems to knife its way through the track.  The vocals push the boundary of raspiness that you get from classic punk rock, though for all intents and purposes, the group’s still leans a little bit towards the pop side of things.  You’ll get that image perfectly on the following two tracks, “Other Life” and “World of Pleasure.”  The latter is definitely one of the record’s standout tracks, pounding furiously in your ears, despite having a catchy delivery of the lyrics throughout.

And you get what you expected on the first half of the record, with the blistering pace of the tunes allowing for the band to demonstrate their songwriting capabilities, while still honing their pop sensibility; this is one of the things I’ve loved about Marked Men and all associated bands. Tracks like “Alright” are perfect for driving, partying or even running; they fit in every corner of your life.  But, what has impressed me about Radioactivity is that there’s a glimpse of what’s to come with the band’s next LP (rumored to be on its way in 2014) near the latter half of the album.

For example, “Alone” has this huge ringing guitar line, with the bass slowly working its way into the fold.  It opens up the space quite a bit, adding just the slightest differentiation to the band’s signature sound.  If you listen carefully, you can hear the guitars working against each other, almost fighting to define the band’s sound.  There’s also the power ballad that lurks at the end of the record via “Trusted You.”  The drums seem to want to escape into a heavier realm, though their steadiness really provides a good backbone for the rest of the song, which remains sort of a heartfelt ode to a lost friend or lover.  It’s actually great on its own, but it’s made even better for the fact that its fittingly unique in the grand scheme of the LP.

I’m a huge fan of the group, even if the songs sometimes seem to blend together after repeated listens.  And that’s the thing with Radioactivity, you’re going to get repeated listens. The songs are too good to ignore, and too catchy to dismiss.  It’s clear that the duo of Ryan and Burke still have tons of tricks up their sleeves to keep me coming back to buying their records.


Download: Radioactivity – Locked in My Head [MP3]

Austin Spotlight: Technicolor Hearts

a3436299103_10After maybe a year or two of what seemed like a lull in the Austin music scene, I’m incredibly excited to see the wealth of new and talented bands that have been popping up recently.  This city is the live music capital for a reason so we need you starving artists to keep it that way.  Today I’m sharing with you new find Technicolor Hearts.  This new project comes your way from former Agent Ribbons member Naomi Cherie and her pal Joseph Salazar. They together have created these great driving, almost trance like sort of beats with swirling guitar riffs sucking us in throughout their tunes.  This track below, “Pretty”, is a perfect example of that.  You’ll certainly be bobbing your head.

Check out the band’s new EP Under the Big Blue Umbrella Sky over on bandcamp.


Download: Technicolor Hearts – Pretty [MP3]

Mutual Benefit – Love’s Crushing Diamond

mutualRating: ★★★★½

This is one of the most exciting debuts I’ve heard all year.  Well, it’s not exactly a debut.  Mutual Benefit, a fluid band centered around songwriter Jordan Lee, has independently released several EPs, but Love’s Crushing Diamond is their longest and best effort to date.

I find this music very hard to describe or classify – in a good way.  The tunes here could almost pass as folk, but folk music is not this experimental or this expansive.  I can’t really call it pop; pop isn’t this introspective and delicate.  The immediate thing, the crucial thing to note is the incredible warmth of this album.  A soft analog hum pervades the piece, and there is not a harsh sound or a strained note to be found on the record excepting a few intentionally scratchy violins.

Love’s Crushing Diamond somehow feels like a cohesive unit despite being made up of endless combinations of seemingly incongruent instruments.  Banjos, cymbals, synths, organs, distorted guitars, strings, hand claps, and various chimes somehow manage to coexist and complement each other.  The result is a very modern sounding record, despite its analog veneer.

Vocally, Lee is at once vulnerable and precise, and sounds somewhat like Sufjan Stevens or Elliott Smith.  There’s certainly an Elliott Smith influence in the way Lee builds his own harmonies and double-tracks his voice.  His recordings, however, are more comparable to projects like Microphones or even Radical Face.

For me, there is not a single song worth skipping on this record.  My favorite though is probably “Advanced Falconry”; a song built on a great looping riff and lifted by beautiful strings.  Lee’s falsetto on this track is something special.  Like “Let’ Play / Statue of a Man”, “Advanced Falconry” has a great sense of movement and energy with very minimal percussion.

Both musically and lyrically, this is an uplifting record.  Most of the songs are celebratory, at least in some way.  Lee’s declaration that, “There’s always love whether tattered, strained, or torn,” in “Let’s Play / Statue of a Man” feels like a fairly good starting point for understanding this album.  As a lyricist, Lee is very concise and understated in a refreshing way.

Very few bands mix genres this effectively and naturally, and very few albums are recorded and mixed this well.  I haven’t heard many new voices as sincere and moving as Jordan Lee’s.  I hereby nominate Love’s Crushing Diamond for “best use of wind chimes in a genre-defying masterpiece”.

Funx3 Fest Preview: Deltron 3030

deltron“It’s the year thirty… thirty.  And here at the Corporate Institutional Bank of Time, we find ourselves reflecting.  Finding out that in fact we came back.  We were always coming back.”

I couldn’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve heard that opening line from Deltron 3030’s self-titled debut from 2000.  Okay, if I HAD to guess, I’d say it’s somewhere in the hundreds.  Happy now?  More after the jump.

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New (ish) Boomgates Tune

boomI feel like I should name this post “Keeping it Australia.”  I just posted about one Bedroom Sucks act yesterday, but I really want to continue my praise for the label by encouraging you to listen to the latest tune from Boomgates.  The group released Double Natural and really caught my attention, but now that they’re going to have a split 7″ with The Bats, I’m pretty sure the group’s on the top of their game.  I love how the female and male voices work together on this tune, while the guitar takes its own fuzzy meander through the track.  Definitely keeping you on the Australian tip this week.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Horrible Houses

horriblehouses5.143644I do not know much about Daniel Johnsson other than he’s the man behind the music of Horrible Houses.  Really, I don’t need much other than that, as this new single from his up-coming release is so remarkable that I’d be remiss if I didn’t share it with you as soon as possible. It’s got this frolicking folk feel to it, though blended through a bit of a lo-fi edge.  There’s even this really quiet touch at the back end of the song near the 3 minute mark where you’re just listening to a man and his intricate guitar work while the vocals slowly work their way in.  This is in my top songs of the year, today. You can grab his new release Family Tapes Vol. 3 in December from Happenin Records.


Download: Horrible Houses – Sun Leaving [MP3]

Contest! Win a Pair of Tickets to See Crocodiles @ Empire Room (10.31)

CrocodilesSo you’re not really the Halloween sort, or maybe you are.  What we do know is that you need to enjoy rock n’ roll in some manner, otherwise it wouldn’t the crazy night we all expect! We’ve got a deal for you; you can win a pair of tickets to see Crocodiles at Empire Room…FREE.  The band comes in town to support their recent Crimes of Passion LP, and they’ll be joined by Royal Bangs and local act Growl.  It seems perfect if you’re looking for last minute plans to come together.  All you have to do is leave a comment telling us what you’ll be for Halloween, or what you hope people don’t wear as a costume.  Either way, you have the best idea, you have a free pair of tickets.  If you want to go the traditional way, you can grab tickets from Knuckle Rumbler, who’s helping us with this contest (thanks Aaron).


Download: Crocodiles – Cockroach [MP3]

Contest ends at Noon on Thursday!

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