Soft Tune from Lanterns on the Lake

lanternsI’m a huge sucker for a beautiful female voice, especially when it’s strung atop well-crafted musical accompaniment.  I love the way there’s these light strings accenting the push of the drums.  There’s this beautiful tension that just builds and builds, erupting near the very end of the track.  If you’re looking for something with a nice bit of construction and majesty, then you won’t have to look much further than this number.  Lanterns on the Lake will release Until the Colours Run on January 14th, followed by a short US tour, so keep your eyes peeled for this promising act.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

CYMBALS Bring Their A Game

cymbalsIt’s difficult in this day and age to have your hair blown back by anything, especially upon first listen, but I have to give credit to CYMBALS.  Their music on the latest single was immediately accessible, yet wholly interesting.  A deep vibe comes from the darkened corners of their music, yet a softer touch on the vocals provides listeners with the mentality of club two-stepping. I imagine this song could be played pretty much anywhere, enticing anyone to tap their feet.  The group will release Age of Fracture in February of next year via Tough Love Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Punk Rock from Autistic Youth

autisticyouth-1281927164We started this week with a lot of softer tracks, so I feel like we should offer you the flip side of the coin with the newest tune from Autistic Youth.  The band have been fairly quiet lately, but they’re readying a new LP for Dirtnap Records titled Nonage.  The album wears their influences on its sleeve with a punishing combination of hardcore, not to mention a softer touch you’d find in old skate video games by employing gang vocals to encourage maximum crowd participation at shows.  You can pick up the album next week from the label; it should be in stores shortly after.


Download: Autistic Youth – Not For Me [MP3]

Show Review: Nine Inch Nails ACL Taping (11.4)

NIN @ ACL TVBased on the throngs of people begging for tickets oustide of Moody Theater, Monday night’s taping at ACL Live was a pretty hot commodity. Myself, well, again I was fighting to reclaim my youth by revisiting the catalogue of Nine Inch Nails.

The folks at ACL should definitely be proud of bringing in Nine Inch Nails for a taping.  Sure, they’re huge in the grand scheme of things, though not necessarily the largest act to grace the studio.  But, what it did represent was the power behind the PBS program, as the importance of the show continues to grow with each act that comes to the venue.  It also allowed for many of us to get a version of Nine Inch Nails that me mightn’t have seen otherwise.

Read on for my thoughts on the evening…

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New Track from DZ Deathrays

dzAustralia’s DZ Deathrays are hard at work trying to wrap up the recording of their next full-lenght, but in the mean time, they’ve provided us all with a nice little peak at what we’re likely to hear.  Ringing guitar works really well here, with layered vocals doing a perfect job providing a fairly blissful touch to the song itself.  Bloodstreams, their last album, made huge waves, so we can expect them to gain more steam as their sound crosses the great pond, landing them in our speakers.  We’ll keep you posted on the release date, but experts are looking at a February release.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Review: Cults @ Emo’s (11.4)

Monday night gave you lots of choices as for live music in this city, but it didn’t seem like Emo’s was the popular choice for many, as even with the full venue partitioned in half the crowd wasn’t close to capacity. However this lack of audience wasn’t a problem once the bands for the night took the stage, each offering a different kind of tone and energy.

Read more and see pictures from Brian Gray…

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New Pop Goodness From S A Reyners

avatars-000059156646-9obahf-t500x500Man I really dig this new track “The Other Way” that just came our way from UK based singer/songwriter S A Reyners.  I’d probably call it quirky throwback pop music with some incredibly catchy guitars and beats throughout.  It’s just a downright fun tune to listen to really.  No word right now on if a new album or anything is in the works, but we’ll certainly let you know as soon as we hear something.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

FFF Preview: Television

Those of us who adored punk rock have been salivating about this show every since FFF announced that they’d be bringing back Television to their yearly festival. I don’t know how they do it, but they always bring a band out of the woodwork that deserves some acclaim for all their accomplishments.  Television is one such band; they were part of the punk scene in the 70s, and though they branched out a bit into their own realm, they definitely helped define the sound, especially with some of the groups that wanted to expand beyond the short fury of CBGBs. I might speak for myself, as opposed to the whole ATH crew, but this is the absolute top of my list for the upcoming festival.  Ever so often we get to witness a group reemerge that defined who we were as children or teenagers, and I know my record collection owes a great deal to the work the band did.  If you’re going to catch one band this weekend, this is my MUST see.  

I’ll leave you with the most cliche hit the band have, off of Marquee Moon, and hopefully you hear the brilliance that made them so endearing to us all.


Download: Television – Venus [MP3]

Another Jam from The Entrance Band

entrance_band_2_webJust a short few weeks ago I shared with you one of the singles from The Entrance Band, and they’re already back again with the newest, “Spider,” from their upcoming record.  While I hear bits of a genre to be unnamed, I’m finding this tune much more expansive, delving into the more exploratory regions of modern indie fare.  The vocals are steadier, and the accompanying music has a broader focus, which definitely makes this one of the  more powerful tracks we’ve heard from the group. You can find this tune on Face the Sun; it hits stores on November 19th via Beyond is Beyond is Beyond.

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