Flagland Keep Pumping Out the Hits

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe’re just a short few weeks away from the highly anticipated new album from Flagland.  Today they return with yet another hit from Love Hard, which is one of my favorite tracks from the record.  It’s one of the record’s longer songs, but it’s one of those that reminds me of the youthful excitement we all enjoyed, when riffs were sharp and lyrics were shouted. The entire record holds onto that sentiment, screaming for you to partake in its carefree exuberance.  You can pick it up from Father Daughter Records on February 25th.


Download: Flgland – Sugarcube [MP3]

SXSW 2014 Interview: Heavenly Beat

heavenly-beatIt’s like a never-ending stream of interviews rolling into the ATH offices, and we’re really excited to help you all get to know a little bit more about some of the acts heading into town.  This one here is from Heavenly Beat, who will undoubtedly be playing some of the hits from last year’s Prominence, which came out on Captured Tracks. Here’s some quick answers from John Pena, a former Texan. Read more

Another Jam from The Coathangers

coathangersThe Coathangers are really going all out with their latest record, pulling out all the stops to really blow away their audience.  Their latest track is a bit different from its predecessor, sounding more like what we’ve come to know from the ladies, though with an improved recording.  Guitars are ringing quickly and the hook created by the lyrical delivery is going to leave you anxiously awaiting more from the band.  Luckily, you won’t have to wait too long, as the group’s Suck My Shirt comes out in a little over a month courtesy of Suicide Squeeze Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/128867555″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Pop Number from Andy Sadoway

andyYou’d probably know Andy Sadoway better for his role in Bent Shapes, but don’t let that influence whether or not you listen to this track; you’d have a hard time seeing the similarities between the two.  This first single from his forthcoming Str8 Shooter EP has a summery strumming approach, rather than the angular ferocity associated with his Boston act. It’s a short taste of what you can expect from his new release, which will be getting a digital and cassette release courtesy of friends Father Daughter Records on March 25th.  You might even find yourself yearning for a bit of tropicalia after a good thorough listen.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/134243886″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

The Weekend Update: ATX Show Previews

austiniloveyouWell, we’re rolling into the dreaded holiday weekend that haunts a lot of people, but what better way to spend your Valentines Day by watching a great show, either with your loved one, or finding one.  There’s tons going on this weekend, so I wanted to spotlight a few shows you should look into.  Dinner and flowers are dumb; rock n’ roll is the way to go. Read more to find out where you should be.

Read more

The Welcome Return of Papercuts

papercutsJason Quever is one of those artists that I personally feel needs to write more; it’s not because I don’t appreciate what he’s done, but rather that I adore it so much that I swoon every time I hear of new music he’s putting out as Papercuts.  It’s been just over three years since we’ve heard from Jason, but we can forgive that as I know he’s had his hand in producing several great albums.  Be it the way he’s written his lyrics on albums like Fading Parade or Can’t Go Back (my favorite), or the construction of the songs themselves, there’s nothing to ignore. His new record is titled Life Among the Savages; it will have a release date of May 6th via Easy Sound.  I mean, just listen to this song.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/134352677″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATH Interview: Shivery Shakes + Video Premiere

Shakes AMBA BannerWe’re trying to put together as much of a push as we can to make this year’s Austin Music Bloggers Awards pretty special.  We wanted to sit down with a few of the acts to get their insight on Austin, the Awards show, etc.  We caught up with William of Shivery Shakes who shared a few thoughts on such things.  His band is up for Best Single with “Sidewalk Talk;” HERE are the other nominees.  As you may recall, we attended the festivitivities for the that song’s video premiere, check the pics. You can also check out that video of said single running on the Internet for the first time at the end of the interview.

Don’t forget to grab your tickets HERE.  They’re selling pretty fast with a great rock show/award ceremony on the cards. Read more

Great Track From The Trouble With Templeton


I’ve been on a punk rock kick lately, but I’ve grown a bit tired of that today and want to take a left turn here.  This new track, “Soldiers”, from Australian band The Trouble With Templeton is doing just that for me.  I dig the way the tune sort of starts off as a heavy, dark bass number, and then morphs into a pop number complete with some haunting vocals and catchy guitars.  Me gusta.

Rookie will be available on May 12th via Bella Union.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/134382253″ params=”color=ff9900&#038&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Yet More Tunes from New Electric Ride

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALondon’s New Electric Ride want to make sure that you don’t forget about them, which is a great way to throw things out leading up to the release of a new record. Their latest single shows the group’s paisley side shining through, using the internal melody as the backbone of the track, wrapping the rest of the instrumentation around it.  I particularly like the fuzzed out bass line that pops up for a few seconds just after the two-minute mark.  They’ll be releasing Balloon Age on February 25th via Beyond Beyond is Beyond–so soon!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/133406532″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Delay Trees – Readymade

delay-trees-readymadeRating: ★★★★☆

When listening to the new effort from Delay Trees, their second effort for Soliti Music, the Finnish band are prepared to take you on a carefully constructed journey through their musical world. It’s often a cold and sterile world, but it offers an undercurrent of melody that eventually finds its way into your listening heart.

Readymade begins with an introductory piece of instrumentation, carefully placed as the opening moment to your journey with the band. From here, you fall into the realm of “Fireworks,” which utilize a circling guitar line that creates an ominous tune.  While the mood crosses into a bleak arena, the natural warmth that’s left by the melody will find listeners stirring in their seats, drawn into the emotional nature of the track.  These Finnish boys will soon move into a post-rock world of angular guitar chords and a brooding bass line with “Steady.”  Here, the work of the group seems less focused on the development of the vocals, instead allowing the listener to be immersed in the land created by Delay Trees.

But, while the group does seem to have the map planned out for your listening experience, they also have a few tracks that really rise above the rest of the record.  “Sister” is a calming track, sitting near the front end of the album; its pacing is rather slow, yet the vocal delivery is what you’ve got to focus on here.  It draws you in close, coming across as a faint whisper in the stark environment crafted by the group; I’m particularly fond of the way the pitch rises ever so carefully.  Then, of course, there’s the lead single, “Perfect Heartache.” You’ll find that the guitar parts really win out on this number, ringing at the beginning, then being fleshed out into softened distortion. There’s even a bit of swing created around the 2.30 minute mark, with “oohs” and a twanging guitar bit.  You’d be remiss to skip out on this song. Following it up with “Howl” provides a nice emotional switch too.  This track really has a brighter vocal quality that indicates the wide array of touches the band have put forth in crafting the record.

I loved the work of Delay Trees with their record, Doze, but I feel like this album is leaps and bounds above the former.  Each song offers the listener something, and each one has its own identity, yet they’re all tightly wound together to create a cohesive listen.  A writer could write about each track, and a listener could rave about each individual song.  All these things lead to a rewarding sit down that will encourage fans to come back to Readymade again and again.


Download: Delay Trees – Perfect Heartache [MP3]

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