New Music from Casper & the Cookies

casperOne of my favorite things about running this site is the discovery that comes with it; I always get emails from bands that I really enjoy, but knew nothing about.  The latest comes via Athens, Georgia; it’s Casper & the Cookies, who craft this oddball power-pop that really should be listened to by everyone.  I like the group’s usage of melody that goes with this opening track on their new album, Dingbats.  They seem to crash into each other while a drum beat rolls its way through the angular guitar picking, creating this little ditty that grows more infectious the more times you play it.



Fuzzed Pop from Tunabunny

tunabunnyI love the feel of this new song from Tunabunny.  It’s this really dirty version of a whimsical pop song, brimming with this fuzzy coat atop of the song.  The vocals are soft and playful, but it’s hard to detach yourself from the dark craftsmanship of the track.  It perfectly illustrates an act that continues to grow and grow, releasing four albums in four years…a remarkable feat for any act.  Their latest is titled Kingdom Technology, and it should cement the band as an act that’s willing to grow in whatever manner suits their fancy without looking back with regret.  It’ll be out on April 22nd via HHBTM Records.


Download: Tunabunny – Different Jobs [MP3]


New Music from Crow Bait

crowFriday had some great hits coming out, and I really gravitated towards this new tune from NY’s Crow Bait.  It’s got incredible guitar parts that remind me of the recent work of bands like Superchunk.  It harkens back to the days when guitars and melodic vocals really dominated the underground music scene; it’s also the kind of music that reminds us all of our youthful attachments to rock n’ roll. The band will be releasing their debut Sliding Through the Halls of Fate on May 20th via Don Givoanni Records.  Should be a blast listening to this record.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: Ringo Deathstarr @ Mohawk (3.31)

ringoThe folks over at Mohawk are dedicating themselves to keeping things fun and local on Monday nights, bringing you another great gig in their Showoff Series.  First, let me just tell you that the show is FREE, so you get to enjoy some great bands and spend all your money on booze and MERCH!  But, this Monday’s show has some incredible local acts, and one we’ll all need to say goodbye to.  Ringo Deathstarr is the headliner on the night, and the band needs no introduction; they’re one of the many rad acts across town.  But, you need to come say goodbye to Gal Pals, who unfortunately are relocating due to career opportunities.  We love the duo, and we wish them all the best on their new ventures.  Also, Hola Beach will kick off the night, rounding out a line-up that’s worth your time.  See you there.


Download: Ringo Deathstarr – Every Time [MP3]

New Music from Secret Colours (Austin Psych Fest Act)

secretcoloursAs the days draw closer to yet another festival in Austin, we’re starting to take a closer look at some of the lesser known bands on the list, and Secret Colours are my latest obsession.  I think this Chicago act speaks to the festivals diversity this year, offering a poppier glint on the broader psych spectrum.  Listening to their newest single reminds me of what a joy it was listening to early Of Montreal, using noisy touches of guitars and delicious bass parts to really suck you into the song.  If you’re not going to the festival, then I at least suggest you make way for Positive Distractions II to make its way into your playlist on April 29th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Austin Spotlight: The Ghost Wolves

ghostwolvsI’m loving living in Austin right now; there’s so much incredible music out there it’s hard to know where to turn.  But, we do know one of the band’s on our list to watch is The Ghost Wolves.  The duo have deservedly earned themselves a strong following here in town, with wailing guitars and pounding  drum work.  Carley Wolf comes off with a strong personality, using her bratty tones to rock the crowds.  On May 27th the band will release Man, Woman, Beast via Plowboy Recordsit’ll include several live bonus tracks too! Enjoy jamming out to this track today, will ya?

[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Contemplative Tune From RBTS WIN


Sometimes when you maintain a music blog for years, you get a little inundated with the same old genres and musical styles in the indie scene today.  I’m even guilty of often going along with it and pigeonholing myself into specific genres that I like while flat out ignoring the sounds I usually don’t find interesting.  It’s not what we are supposed to do as music journalists right?  Today I broke my trend, giving this song called “Death Magic” a chance, and I’m really glad that I did.  Coming to us from Asheville, NC based pop hit makers RBTS WIN, one can find a lot to like in the simplicity of what’s going on here. What starts as a synth laden pop number with head nodding beats, evolves into this creative R&B tune sure to be worthy of repeat listens.  Something about this song is really doing it for me today.

Pick up new album, Palm Sunday, from these guys on May 20th.[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Eyes, Wings and Many Other Things

eyesOkay, so the name Eyes, Wings and Many Other Things might be a little much to handle, but man, this song’s pretty right on.  If you press play on your stereo, and you expect it to pick up pace, I’ve got news for you, it’s not going to happen.  This song mellowly creeps along for the entirety of its 4.5 minutes, but it’s a pretty remarkable listen.  The pacing allows for the entrance of various sounds to be dressed atop the entire song, while lyrical pieces are thrown in from time to time.  For me, it was hard not to be moved by the track.  You should pick up their new Rural Pain LP from Pour Le Corps now, before everyone else catches on to these guys.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


RF Shannon – Hunting Songs

rfshannonRating: ★★★★½

When it comes to the local music scene around these parts, it seems we are in abundance of prolific artists. Our scene may be whatever it is you think it is—synth pop heavy, indie rock centered—you name it, one thing you should be able to agree on, whatever your qualms may be with the local scene, that diversity is never something we seem to have too much of. With this diversity in mind, I invite you to talk a step a little bit back in time with RF Shannon, who seem to have found a way to take you back to the days of Rhythm and Blues through the lens of alternative rock.

Hunting Songs is RF Shannon’s debut release, and at five songs and almost thirty minutes in length, one might consider this a savory introduction to their ‘desert R&B’ style. The group kicks things off with “Egyptian White Musk,” and you can instantly grasp what exactly is indicated by this genre; ambient noise generates a feeling of desolation before the bluesy guitars kick in and the slow percussion lulls you into a delicate trance. Vocalist, Shane Renfro soon croons his way into the song, and straight into your heart. With his soft, haunting vocals at the core of the music, he harrows back to the days of yesteryear of singer/songwriter reign ala Jeff Buckley or the likes; you also get a little contemporary aspects of his mellow pipes that remind me of Zach Condon. Their sound is refined and yet not over-processed, a lovely balance of slow rock and raw emotion.

Though there isn’t a track you will need, or have any desire, to skip through on Hunting Songs, I daresay it would be impossible to neglect the overwhelming beauty of “Twin Flame,” the penultimate track. Here, RF Shannon is at their bluesy best—the guitar takes center stage, complimented by the slow rolling drums, punching forward deliberately. The choral arc of the song is hauntingly resonant and all of the elements of this group mix together for a shining moment of radiance: I can’t get enough of it.  If this wasn’t enough, the finale of the album challenges the slot of favorite track and the group gets back into their slow groove to round the album out.

That’s the thing about Hunting Songs: each seems to build upon the last, and yet strike into new territory. It’s short and utterly sweet, so please do yourself a favor and spend a bit of money on this album that will transport yourself elsewhere. Or go catch RF Shannon playing somewhere around town: you won’t regret it in the slightest.

Austin Spotlight: Weekend Show Suggestions

austinLooks like we’re in for a nice weekend, weather-wise, so that makes things perfect for a venture out to some of our great local venues to catch a show, or maybe even two. There’s lots of good shows this weekend, most of which are featuring local bands we adore. Take a look, a listen, and pick a show to hit up this weekend.  Hopefully we’ll see see you there.

Friday, March 28th:

A Giant Dog, Roky Moon and Bolt, Daniel Francis Doyle – Hotel Vegas – 9 PM – $5

Moistboyz (Dean of Ween), Meat Puppets – Mohawk – 8 PM – $15

Nic Armstrong & the Thieves, For Her & the Snow – Lamberts – 9:30 – $8

Saturday, March 29th:

Spray Paint, Nazi Gold, Empty Markes, Massageinist, Slash & Spread – Hotel Vegas – $5

Roger Sellers, Hikes, Chipper Jones – Holy Mountain – 9 PM

TonTons, Speak, Good Field, Casual Strangers, Slomo Drag – Scoot Inn – $10

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