Indiepop Delight from Franny & Zooey

frannyGlad to see that Dufflecoat Records are still one of the best at releasing some of the most delectable indiepop records out there.  This last week they announced that they’ve agreed to to released the Bottled Up & Ready to Go EP from Franny & Zooey.  This first single is filled with jangling guitar lines and steady drumming.  Even more surprising to me is that the duo hails from the Dominican Republic; this is not the sound I typically associate with the country, though you can’t keep pop fans down, it seems.  Enjoy yourself today.

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Change of Pace from The High Wire

highwireWent a little power-pop heavy this morning, so why not offer up a little turn towards a pop-centric world with the latest single from The High Wire.  I’ve written about the group before, and I’m really excited to get a full listen to their latest LP, Found in Honey. The song opens softly, with a focus on the angelic vocals before a synthesized beat kicks in to drive the song forward.   There’s explosions of exuberance here and there, with my particular favorite moment coming just after the 3 minute mark.  If you love what you hear, their album will be out on July 14th, so be sure to grab it.

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Power Pop from Sugar Stems

sugarIf you’re a music fan like me, then perhaps nothing works you up quite like huge hooks and soaring melodies.  If that’s the case, then you’re going to love this new single from Sugar Stems.  It’s our first listen to the band’s new album, Only Come Out at Night, and I’ll be damned if this isn’t the perfectly executed anthemic power-pop that warms my heart.  Betsy’s vocals have a slight hint of attitude, but the rest of the group is just kicking out these huge sounds; it’s the most polished bit of power-pop I’ve heard in some time.  You can grab their new record from reliable Dirtnap Records on July 22nd.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: Pity Sex and Solids @ Holy Mountain (Tonight)

holyRarely do you get to start off your week with such a bad ass show, but I’m really excited for tonight’s gig over at Holy Mountain.  You’ve got a couple of solid openers in Costumes and Gang Sign, but there’s also one of the most overlooked bands of the year jamming strong, Solids.  Their album Blame Confusion is this boisterous bombast, and I highly encourage you to get out now and get yourself a copy of it. Then the night gets closed out by Michigan’s Pity Sex, who offer up a shoe gaze-y version of rock n’ roll; they’ve got the ability to go loud, or pull back with a little bit more melody. This is the perfect way to kick-start your week, and lose a little hearing.


AMENDMENT: Pity Sex have had to cancel their slot due to traveling issues. So now Solids will headline!


Download: Solids – Off White [MP3]

Bright Pop from Sw/mm/ng

swimmingSummery spirit is in full swing around here, and this track from Sw/mm/ng is the perfect way to keep that mood going.  But, while there’s definitely a light-hearted tone to this new single, the band takes on a stronger emotional strategy, similar to the work that the Walkmen completed.  Part of that attitude comes in the rhythmic pounding, while the rest is completed by the careful drawl that’s present in the vocals.  If you’re enjoying this (and you should) then pick up the band’s new album, Feel Not Bad, on August 29th when it’s released by Old Flame Records.


Download: Sw/mm/ng – Some Dreams Come True [MP3]


ATX Saturday Night Spotlight

Austin, I love you.As mentioned yesterday, there’s tons of things about town this weekend, so you should definitely consider yourself lucky.  Sure, there’s no pun-off this weekend, and old Emos has long removed their troth, but plenty of other great places in town will take care of you.   Hit up one of these shows, and enjoy your weekend. Don’t drink and drive. Or bike. That seems dangerous too.  Read more

New Song from JE Sunde

jesundeI’m finally getting a breather after all this World Cup watching (haven’t missed a game), so I wanted to relax a bit, which is why I wanted to run this track from JE Sunde, who works in The Daredevil Christopher Wright.  I’m really stuck on how great his vocals are, but the intricate touches such as flute, piano and non-traditional percussion really push the song into another realm…it’s perfect for letting your mind drift off.  This track will feature on his album, Shapes That Kiss the Lips of God, and it’ll be released by Cartouche Records on July 15th.

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Army Navy Bring More Great Indiepop

armySome people want their music to have an edge of danger or attitude, but me, I like tracks that sound, well, pretty.  Army Navy are one of those acts who’ve been tossing out these sort of gems since their inception, and their latest single is right up my alley. The California act is set to release their third LP in just a few weeks, and if this doesn’t get you indiepop fans excited, then I’m not quite sure what’s going to do the trick.  There’s crisp guitars, great melodies and overall emotional appeal that generally just makes you feel good about yourself.  Get the feels.

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ATX Friday Night Spotlight

austin_live_music_retailrAustin’s got a busy weekend ahead of us, and it’s not because of a festival (for once).  There’s album releases, benefit shows and celebrations of all sorts, but with so much to choose from, we’re here to take a look at some of the more vital shows on your Friday night line-up.  It’s likely some of these will go to capacity, so if you’re looking for a ticket, do so now. Here you go folks… Read more

Pleased to Meet You: Niagra

niagraApparently I’m not as up on my avant pop music in the Italian scene as I used to be, as I’m pretty impressed by Turin’s Niagra. The duo construct these rather interesting pop pieces that, from what I’ve heard, compile all sorts of electronic elements (beats, loops, samples) to serve as the background for their varying approaches to pop songwriting.  Here, the vocals have this soft touch, which works in direct contrast to the pulsating music they’ve used.  This fall they’ll be releasing their album, Don’t Take It Personally, on Metronome Records on September 8th; it definitely won’t be your run-of-the-mill electronic pop record.


Download: Niagara – Fat Kaoss [MP3]


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