Kick Back with Wax Witches

10407365_876274032399540_1545523233211221811_nIt’s not like Burger Records really needs another band in their stable that’s going to blast out some summery tunes, but it looks like that’s what they’re doing with this new tune from Wax Witches; it’s the project of Alex from Bleeding Knees Club.  There’s a bratty vibrancy to the tune, fueled by amped up guitar work and simple pounding drum work.  If the line “summer’s here/lets have some fun” doesn’t get you amped about the increasing temperatures (or I guess declining since one of these guys is from Australia), then you’ll just need to run to your stereo, pump this up loud, and get yourself in the mood. Centre of Your Universe will be out on September 9th, which is too late for summer time here, but at least we’ll have this jam to rock.

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New Tune from PS I Love You

friendsI kind of sort of want to move to Ontario.  Well, not really because I can’t cut it in the cold. But, that being said, this track from Ontario’s PS I Love You is really fitting into my listening rotation.  There’s something oddly pleasing about the vocals…there’s this weird little hiccup in the pronunciation, and it catches just right.  Speaking of catch…those guitars have a nice little hook going on too.  Their new record For Those Who Stay is filled with such bits, with the bands typical penchant for darker melodies present throughout.  Be on the look out for it on July 22nd via Paper Bag Records.



Listen to TOPS

TOPSThis is a case of the blogger who judged a book by its cover and turned out to be an asshole.  The photo I received of TOPS had this brooding 4 piece, two guys/two girls. I expected based on the photo that the band would bring some sort of noisy power pop or some erratic dance ensemble.  But, this track is really something quite special; if you don’t listen to it, you’ll be bummed.  Every note and chord hides this subtle beauty or perhaps a soft bit of innocence; I cannot stop listening to it.  Their album Picture You Now will be out later this year, but you can grab this song on a 7″ from Arbutus.

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Quick Rocker from Heeney

heeneyNew York rockers, Heeney, are gearing up to bring you your first full taste of their tunes.  They’ve been putting on blistering shows across NYC with the likes of Titus Andronicus and So So Glos, in case you need a reference point.  I like that the delivery of the vocals fit perfectly into the vibe created by the guitar work; the barking verse near the end adds a bit of intensity.  This jam will end up on the band’s debut, which is scheduled to pop up later on in the year.  No matter the delay, this song will definitely do enough to whet your appetite.

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Exclusive Premiere: Genuine Leather Release New Single (+ Album)

sayHaving spent a lot of time over the last year or so with Genuine Leather, I’ve found that the band is one of the more diverse acts playing around in Austin.  They always carry about a certain pop sensibility that endears them to audiences, but they can spin it in an indie vein or toss it about with a little twang; they seem to employ both on their latest single, “Say the Same Thing Twice.” It’s the latest in what is sure to be an excellent album, titled Losers, which the band are releasing on July 1st.  They’ve got a couple of great shows lined-up to celebrate too!  They play at the Blackheart on July 5th and Cheer Up Charlies on July 13th.  Their great music is second only to their dominating live show, so be sure to catch them at least once, if not twice. For now, enjoy their new single, on us.


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ATH Abroad: Secret Solstice Festival

solsticebannerAfter an 18-hour ocean crossing trip, followed by a brief power-nap, I finally found myself at the Secret Solstice Festival in Reykjavik, Iceland.  To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect as I was very unfamiliar with most of the artists on the lineup and I don’t speak a lick of Icelandic.  Of course what we worry about most never happens and I ended up being treated to a great festival experience that could rival most anything we can offer here stateside.  Click read more for words and fancy photos.

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New Music from White Arrows

whitearrowsWhen I first heard the White Arrows a few years back, I wasn’t sure what to make of them.  But, after catching their live set, their album Dry Land is Not a Myth didn’t leave my record player for some time.  They use electronic beats to collide with strong guitar work, which you get here just after the 2.5 minute mark; they then move into an explosion of pop, which is always endearing.  This track below is the opener on In Bardo, their latest effort; it’s said to be a jump in a slightly new direction, and that seems to hold true, as there’s a more subdued element to this tune.  Look for the band on tour this summer, with the record coming out later this year.

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New Tune from Hiss Golden Messenger

hissIt’s been a quick turnaround for Hiss Golden Messenger.  After releasing Haw last year, the project is already back with another release, Lateness of Dancers.  This time, the album will be released by Merge Records, and as expected with such a move, there’s a definitive polish to the tracks that have been coming out.  That might irk some longtime fans, but you can’t deny the strength of the tune below; there’s an expressed naturalness to the delivery of the vocals and the traipsing of the guitar work. It’s going to be a special record come this fall, when it sees a release on September 9th.

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